Chapter One

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*Dan’s POV*

I woke up to bright morning sunlight shining on my face. I groaned and rolled over, pulling my warm, heavy comforter up past my head in an attempt to block out the outside world. What on Earth happened last night. My body ached like I had been run over by a bus, my head was pounding so hard it felt like an elephant was throwing a tantrum inside my head, and my throat was so dry I thought I had managed to accidentally swallow a cup of sand. This had to be the worst hangover of my life, and that was saying something.

I tried to think back on the events of last night, but came up with nothing but a few fuzzy memories of me dancing, socializing, and generally making a complete fool out of myself. I sighed and shook my head, an action which I immediately regretted, as it sent spikes of pain driving through my skull. I lay there breathing deeply, trying to get the the throbbing in my head to lessen.

After an indeterminable amount of time passed - which I spent breathing deeply and trying not to throw up, seeing as I was in no condition to make a trip to the bathroom, or even a trashcan - I heard the door swing open. I groaned loudly and rolled over onto my side, away from the door. I seemed to be doing a lot of groaning today. Yeah you are. Oh, now was not the time for the part of my brain that occupied a permanent residence in the gutter to make an appearance.

My slightly insane train of thought was interrupted by whoever stood at the door. They cleared their throat, and started to speak.

“Dan?” I heard a familiar voice ask. Phil. Bless his heart. That wonderful, blue-eyed boy must have brought me home last night. At least I hoped I hadn’t driven home. However, since I was alive and seemingly uninjured, I I had to have gotten a ride from someone.

I rolled over and squinted at the kind, beautiful - wait. What the hell. Where did that beautiful come from. Phil was just a friend, nothing more. I probably shouldn’t think of one of my guy friends as beautiful. That was just weird. I mean wh-

I was interrupted once again by Phil.

“You awake?” he asked tentatively, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Hey Phil. Yeah, I’m up,” I replied. Or at least, that’s what I tried to say. It ended up coming out more like “‘Ey ‘il. Yeah ‘mup” He laughed softly, and walked over to the side of my bed.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, concern lacing his voice. I cleared my throat, determined not to make a fool of myself again.

“Absolutely shit,” I answered, earning me a loud laugh from Phil. I winced, headache still not entirely gone.

“Oh no, Dan, I’m so sorry!” Phil exclaimed, picking up on my wince. He was so caring and observant, not missing a single damn thing. It was adorable. Wait. Seriously. What is up with me this morning?! Beautiful? Adorable? Why was I thinking of Phil, my friend, like this? Phil cleared his throat, trying to get my attention.

“Huh?” I asked, blinking in confusion and unsure of what he had just said.

“I said, are you sure you’re ok? You seem to be spacing out a lot,” he repeated, concern filling his big blue eyes once again. I blushed, thinking about why I had spaced out.

“Y-yeah. I’m sure,” I stuttered out, in classic ‘awkward Dan style’. He frowned at me, clearly doubtful, but let it go regardless. I internally sighed with relief.

“Well, anyways, I brought you some medicine, food, and water,” he stated, setting said things on my bedside table.

“Thanks a ton Phil. God you’re a lifesaver. I honestly have no clue where I’d be without you,” I mumbled gratefully, taking the meds and chugging most of the water.

“You would probably be dead,” he said, smirking slightly. I tried to think of a witty reply, but he was right, so I just kept sipping the remainder of the water.

“So, uh, what exactly happened last night? Because I literally remember nothing...” I trailed off, feeling confused once again. For some unknown reason Phil had started blushing madly. I just stared at him, confused about what I could have said to embarrass him so much. Suddenly it dawned on me. One of us must have done something dumb at the party. Most likely me, considering I was the one who got hammered.

“Nothing particularly interesting,” he said, attempting to keep his voice steady, and doing a pretty good job. However, I was his best friend, and I could tell when something was off. While most people would have missed the underlying relief in his voice, I didn’t, and it just left me with a growing sense of curiosity about what happened last night. Just to be sure, I asked one more time.

“You sure, because I was just wondering if I missed out on anything,”

“Absolutely, 100% sure that you didn’t miss anything,” he squeaked out, just a bit too quickly. That settled it. Something happened last night, and I was determined to find out just what it was. Phil spoke up again.

“Well, I’ll just let you get some rest, sleep off the hangover, yeah?” He promptly turned around and practically ran out the door, nearly the same shade of red as a phonebooth. This was not normal Phil behavior, and my curiosity was growing by the second. Now I had to find out, whether I wanted to or not.

Before any investigating, however, I really did need to sleep. I closed my eyes and almost immediately drifted off, still thinking about what could have happened at that party.

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