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Hello there.

I've already mentioned this story in at least one Author Note from "El Cantar de Nordlys" if I correctly remember.

Well, I have a lot of it written already, only by hand, and since currently I don't have my phone with me, since it's being reparated and it's where I play, I've decided to start tipping and publishing it; no better time than right now.

This story is at the moment entirely written from a first point of view of the same person, save for two or three little things that actually are like other notes written by other Heads of Family.

This has a sense, and it's the fact that my plans right now are about this supposed journal to be found and read by one of the narrator descendants.

Okay, since Wattpad hates me, I can never import anything already done, so I have to write it directly on the draft. Not only that, but also to divide it between all the breaks, because I never seem to get that down correctly. That makes for very short chapters that I absolutely hate, but I will comply.

It's also very important to know that there are things here written, like my headcanon on the Priests, the Crown of Flowers and the Chorus, that are not elements present in-game. I invented those, one could say, cause civilians need a little more things going for them in my opinion. Those aren't mentioned more than once (unless things change), but I still want to let it on record.

Time to start now; if anybody reads it, I hope you have as much fun as I did writting it.

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