For some reason, she felt something jump inside of her, with the urge to approach the figure to tell them that school was beginning. However she resists, shaking her own head before continuing her way towards the school.

But she stops for a second time, and this time, the only thing that she could spot about the figure was their long, dark hair that draped on one side of their shoulder; a girl.

Wheein takes in the singular detail in her head𑁋though it can literally be anyone in her own school𑁋before walking inside the building by herself, clutching the strap of her backpack tighter with every step. She usually takes her steps slow to avoid being trapped in large crowds in the hallways, but this time, her steps were exceptionally slow. It was if she was waiting to see the girl at the tree walk inside the school just so she can see their face. But the slower she walked, she realised that she would be late for class.

She swiftly picks up at her pace towards her first class, mind still wandering about the girl under the tree.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・

Wheein finds herself placed in the back of the classroom for her first class which happened to be English, a class that she mostly dreads for a variety of reasons. Those reasons seemed to continue to drag onto every single class she was enrolled in, except for her art class. It would constantly be the same thing every day𑁋mostly the same students just from how miniscule her school is, the same boring lectures, and the same people who constantly find new ways every day to start and spread drama and rumours throughout the school.

She hated naming names, so she chooses to ignore them, and she wondered as to why people find pleasure into degrading other people for no reason. The thought makes her aggressively click the pen in her hand loudly on her desk, to which the sound easily gets lost with the voices travelling throughout the classroom. The teacher wasn't there yet, which makes her sigh. She cups her forehead and bangs with her hand as if to shut out the voices in her head and around her, eyes frequently glancing from the door of the classroom, to the other students in the class who were all not in their properly assigned seats, and out the window which she received a clear view of the outside and front of the school. Everyone's desks were two-seaters, yet Wheein didn't have someone to sit next to, but she's been used to it ever since school started.

Her mind wanders as she props herself up slightly, seeing her reflection in the window made her immediately feel self-conscious yet she doesn't stop. She looks down towards the ground and in the direction of the tree that she sat at, smiling warmly to herself. Her eyes then travel towards the oppositely placed tree, the smile fading slowly from her face of the disappearance of the girl under the tree.

It did make sense though, since the girl under the tree was a student, but Wheein continuously thinks to herself if she will ever see that girl again. It could have been a one-time coincidence of seeing her, since she has never seen any other person sit under that tree other than the girl, yet something inside of Wheein that made her heart throb just to the thought of seeing her again, and she wasn't sure why.

Her eyes lay on a few students in her classroom, with the irony of most of them not knowing her name even though she memorised each students' name in her head. She found it somewhat amusing that they were all mostly separated in their own cliche stereotypical school groups𑁋the popular ones, the intelligent ones, the nerds, the athletic ones, and then there was just her.

There were of course more students that filled the groups than just her classroom, yet she was still by herself to her own thoughts, her own realities, her own company, and that was okay.

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