Chapter 5: heat season

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It has been 3 weeks since Harry and Draco's fight. They haven't talked to each other but they would exchange looks. Hermione and Harry persuade the headmaster to let subs wear what they want. Hermione and Harry were having a talk about the upcoming heat.

"Hermione you are going to be fine, besides you have Ron so no one else can mark you." Harry said. Hermione was worried about heat because when subs go into heat doms mostly alphas wanna mark the sub who isn't mated. So mostly she is worried for Harry. It is painful it is like a girl on her period but 5x worse.

"I know I am going to be fine but what about you!" Hermione said grabbing Harry's hand

"I will kick them in the balls. Yes I might be weak in heat but to be honest I can still fight."

"Harry this is your first heat with other alphas around!" Hermione said gripping his hands harder.

"Hermione it starts tomorrow. Let's get to class and then worry about it after everything. I will be fine I promise." Harry stared into her tearing eyes and rubbed the back of her hands with his thumb slowly. This always worked to come her down because Harry would send a couple of hormones to calm her. It work most of the time when she isn't that stressed.

"You are right come on." Hermione got dressed into a cute light blue hoodie and a black thigh high skirt, Harry wore the same thing because today was something called "twin day" and you were aloud to twin with someone. The twins, Fred and George, told them they were going to pretend to be each other. Fred was mated to a girl named Angelina( I am crying I hate this Fred is my mans😭) George on the other hand was mated to a girl named Fiona.

"Harry let's go!" Hermione called from the common room

"COMING MIONES!" Harry yelled from the top of the stairs

In class

"Good evening everyone. Today we are working on amortentia. Can anyone tell me what this is" professer snape asked "mr.potter?"

"It is a love potion sir. You smell what you are attractived to."

"Good can you tell us what you smell?" Professer asked pushing the potion towards a little

"Sure sir. I smell... vanilla... uhh very expensive cologne  and... apples.. green apples." Harry stuttered out. Draco's face went to a light pink

"POTTER SMELT MALFOY!" A random kid from ravenclaw shouted. Harry's eyes went wide and this time he couldn't hide the dee blush on his face. He had just said his crush who he promised not to tell a soul, even hermione.

"DID NOT!" He shouted back


"I-uh" Harry ran out to his bed room

"FUCK!!" He screamed "THAT WASNT SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN!" Harry was pissed with himself

The next day
Harry woke up with an intriguing pain. He was in heat. Hermione and Ron did "it" the night before and he knew because they forgot to use a silencing charm. So hermione was fine. Harry had never felt this much pain when he was in heat.

"HARRY ARE YOU OKAY!!" Hermione yelled coming in and kneeling next to his bed

"Yeah yeah let's just get to day done." Harry slowly got up. He knew it wouldn't be wise to wear showy clothes so he put on a big hoodie with riled jeans and boots. He knew if he hid more of his body the smell wouldn't be that strong to the alphas. Hermione wore and crop top with high waist jeans with a belt. She walked with a limp and Harry kept his hood up from his hoodie but that didn't stop the alphas from smelling him.

At breakfast

"ALL SUBS THAT ARE IN HEAT PLEASE GO TO THE HOSPITAL WING IMMEDIATELY!!" Professer MoGonagall yelled. All non mated subs stood up and went to the hospital wing.
At the hospital wing

Everyone was separate into their own rooms. How they would do this is the alphas would come in and go to the door they thought smelled the most powerful to them. When the alphas got their all the doors were closed and blinds down so they couldn't see the subs. Harry was scared hoping he didn't get someone weird.


After awhile the doors opened and I saw only one alpha in front of my door and of course it was Draco Malfoy. BLOODY DRACO MALFOY!! The alphas walked in and the room casted a silencing charm on itself and Draco walked over to Harry who was on the bed in pain.

"Soooo uhh do you want to?" Draco asked blushing a little

"Well you found out I had a bloody crush on you yesterday, I am in heat and you are drooling and my smell was the strongest, and you liked me at the beginning." Harry stated " so bloody hell malfoy just please end the pain!" Harry wimpered

"Okay" Draco looked at Harry with a perverted look

(Okay please don't hate me but I will make smut or aleast I will try. It will come on after Christmas! I will continue writing after Christmas. So I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas. I hope you liked what you get for Christmas. And have a good Christmas!! Bye merry Christmas!!⚡️💕

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