Chapter 1: Hogwarts

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(Me or author)
Time travel

Third person
Harry is sleeping and hears something at the window. He wakes up and sees a beautiful grey feathered owl. He opens the window and the bird flys in and he sees a letter on the owls leg. "What is this?" He asked puzzled. Harry unties the letter and  sees it is from Hogwarts. " Ugh what do they want" he said in his head annoyed. Hogwarts has been trying to get Harry into their school since he was 11. Harry never wanted to go because he knew he would get a lot of attention and really doesn't like it. Being the boy who lived and a sub alpha is going to draw a lot more attention then he would want. He is now 15 and living with his best friend. She is muggle but knows everything about magic she is a muggleborn. Her name is hermione granger. She is in Hogwarts but she knows Harry's doesn't want to go so she just help him with spells and potions at home. They have known each other since they were 8 years old. "HARRY COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST!!" Hermione yelled form the kitchen and Harry started to walk down where the the letter in his hands. "They sent you another letter again?" Hermione said already knowing the answer.

"Yep it is starting to get on my nerves."

"Maybe you should go."


"Yes yes I know all the attention but maybe it won't be as bad as you think! Just try one year. That is all I ask. Please haz?" Hermione asked

"I- fine" Harry signed "I already have everything I need because just in case you would do this." Harry said and hermione rolled her eyes

"We'll come on we should go then since I was suppose to go today for early practices" hermione sid finishing he breakfast.

"Okay let's go"

At the train station
"Hey hermione!!" Ron weasley one of hermione's friends from Hogwarts

"Hello Ron!" Hermione said walking with Harry

"Who is he? Your boyfriend~" he teased

"Ew no offense Harry" she said looking at Harry

"None taken." Harry said. Ron smells the air and he can smell the scent of an alpha but no one else but him hermione and the other boy are there. He lnows hermione is a beta so- " YOUR AN ALPHA!!" Ron said looking at Harry

"Yes now keep your voice down" Harry rolled his eyes

"Wait- your head- your also HARRY POTTER!!"
Harry covers Ron's mouth and they walk to an empty compartment and put a silencing charm and close the blinds.

"Okay yes I am I am also a sub alpha now if you don't shut the hell up I will not be afraid to chop your head off and hang on my walls" Harry glared at Ron

"No- I- I don't wanna rude I am just in amaze I have never talk to an alpha or a sub alpha or just you!! I am honored" he said in amazement

"Yes yes it is all amazing but please don't tell anyone ANYONE about me until after my sorting. Got it" Ron nodded his head

" thank you well I am napping DONT WAKE ME!" Hermione giggled at how scared Ron was of Harry.

After the train ride and at hogwarts
"Come on guys the sorting ceremony is starting soon!" Hermione grabbed Ron's hand and he blushes and Harry walked after them.

"Not even 5 minutes here and I am already a third wheel" Harry whispered in hermione's ear and ran

"HARRY!!" She yelled blushing

After the first years hermione walked in with Ron while Harry wait outside

"I would like to introduce a new 5th year! He is a alpha! Not just any alpha. He is Harry Potter and he is a submissive!" Doubledore exclaimed. Everyone gasped at the name the rank and his mating position. Harry walks in and a lot of the male alphas stare and whisper to the others on how they are going to claim Harry.

"Also stop with whispering I can hear and try and claim me... I WILL NOT HESITATE TO END YOU!" Harry glared at everyone before walking to the stool and sitting on it. MoGongal placed the hat on his head.
"Ahh I have been waiting for you mr. potter"

"Just get me sorted so I can leave"

"Lots of bravery. Hmmm! BETTER BE .... GRIFENDOR!!" The hat yelled out and the grifendors cheered.

"You may go sit mr. potter-"

"I rather go to my room!" Harry left and went to his room.

"This is going to be a hell of a year"

( I hope you liked this and I am working on a lot of stories so please be patient I try to post things as fast as possible thank you love you all bye Pottahs💕⚡️

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