Chapter 16: Yule ball

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"Harry will you go to the ball with me?" Draco asked stuttering

"Dray...." harry said calmly, Draco getting ready to be rejected. "Of course I will what kinda question is that?" harry giggled at Draco's shocked face

"Really?!" Draco asked surprised but happy. Harry nodded. Draco picked him up in a hug and kissed him passionately. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" Draco kept kissing harry's face.

"Okay okay that's enough dray." harry giggled

"Okay i should go i promised to meet up with pansy about the potions project. Remember to where something white!" and Draco left leaving harry to gather himself.

The day of the yule ball

with hermione and harry

"what are you going to wear haz?" hermione asked harry. she knew he was going to be wearing something white but didnt know what.

"I will show you later! Go meet up with Ron I will meet you guys there." harry pushed hermione out of the room.

"Draco calm down he is coming and by the way you shouldnt have worn that." pansy said glacing at his outfit

"I know and also why this is one of my best suits!"

"No it is really good but 1. a lot of the girls and boys are staring at you and 2. you dont think harry is going to drool all over you like you are going about him."

draco rolled his eyes he wasnt wearing anything to fancy.

draco rolled his eyes he wasnt wearing anything to fancy

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(what he was wearing)

"oi mate, your date has arrived." Blaise whispered in his ear and pointed to the staircase where he saw the most gorgeous person coming down in the most amazing dress. You could see a lot of the boys drooling and most girls jealous. That was his harry coming down in the most gorgeous dress ever.

 That was his harry coming down in the most gorgeous dress ever

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(what harry was wearing)

"Draco stop drooling and lets go dance" harry grabbed Draco's hand and lead him to the dance floor and a slow song started to play."You better not step on my dress it costed 30 gallons" harry death glared Draco and put his arms around his neck while Draco put both his hands on Harry's lower back. They danced for awhile and Draco wanted to spice things up a bit so he slowly started to move his hands down to harry's arse. "Stop right there draco keep your hands on my waist and no where lower or i will go dance with Elijah." harry said and took his head out of the crook of draco's neck to death glare him. Draco swallowed hard and mumbled a fine. They danced for a little more until everyone started leaving.  Draco took harry to gryffindor tower to say goddnight. 

"Here we are haz" draco took both of harry's hands in his and kissed the top of both.

"I had an amazing time dray. Thank you. " Harry went on his tippy-toes and kissed Draco's cheek. "Goodnight draco!" and harry said the password and walked in. 

"This was one of the best nights ever" draco thought while he walked back to the dungeons.

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