Chapter 2: Alphas

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Author note: please read part one or you will not understand anything going on. Thank you enjoy!!

When everyone got to there rooms
"HARRY COME HERE PLEASE!!" Hermione yelled from the common room. Harry goes down and sees a whole croud of all houses

"What mione." Harry said sleepily "I don't want to wast my time on these dumb alphas" he rolled his eyes

"Well when you left Doubledore asked me to make you meet some alphas" hermione said staring at the ground

"Ugh get along with it then." He said leaning on the wall next to him

"Okay go ahead boys"

"Hello name is Luna! I am a dominant and my mate is Ginny Weasley. It is a pleasure to meet you." One of the alphas from ravenclaw said

"I like you. Your not like the other alphas" he whispered into lunas ear and she giggled

"Hello" one of the alphas from hufflepuffs as he kissed Harry hand and Harry rolled his eyes. "Name is Cedric Diggory but you can call me alpha" he said with a wink

"Move along loveboy and I will not be calling you alpha I can smell you are from a weak family of alphas and your plan is to take me to make your family better and take my fam am I correct?" Harry said glaring at him

"I-uh-it was a pleasure meeting you." Cedric said sighing and walking away

"Hello! I am Dean Thomas I am a dominant and my mate is Seamus Finnigan!" This was another grifendor. He was kind and very sweet as he kissed my hand to show respect.

"You are very kind I take that into pleasure. And thank you for the respect but it is not needed. Also by the looks of it your submissive omega is very jealous. It was nice meeting you." Harry said pointing to Seamus who was shyly looking at the ground with his hands together and legs crossed. After that a couple more alphas came till there was just one left.

"Okay Harry this is the most powerful alpha at our school besides you now and he is a sytherin pure blood." Hermione said letting the last person by. He was about 6.2. Harry had to look up at him because he was only 5.5. He had blond hair with sharp grey to a tint light blue eyes and he was definitely muscular not to muscular but he had a 6-pack you can see threw his shirt and you could see some muscles on his arms.

"Hello name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. I am a dominant. I have no mate. And uhh- oh yeah I think your cute." He said with a wink which surprisingly made Harry blush a little but he could hide it well.

"Nice to meet you now scram I am going to bed I don't wanna waste my time on you anymore." He rolled his eyes. Before Harry could walk up the stairs Draco grabbed his hand and turned him around.

"See you is class beautiful." Draco kissed Harry's cheek and Harry whipped it off immediately. Harry walked away and went to his room.

"Sorry about them Harry a lot of them are still looking for mates and most of them are perverts." Hermione said sitting next to Harry who was getting his glasses off.

"It is fine mione' just why was Malfoy so flirtatious he is rich and powerful why would he like me??" Harry asked blushing a little and hermione notice right away.

"No way.." hermione said pointing at Harry's face

"What do I have something one my faces??" Harry touched his face

"No you blushed you like Draco! YOU LIKE DR-" Harry covered her mouth

"No I do not I was just surprised on how flirtatious he is!!" He spook sternly.

"Okay okay I get well goodnight Harry don't get to many wet dreams about Draco" she walked out and Harry knew she was smiling on the way out.

"YOUR ANNOYING!!" He called after her. He heard hermione giggle.

"Draco Malfoy...Harry Potter... Harry Malfoy... has a nice ring to it..." Harry started to fall asleep "WAIT WHAT!!" He shot up.

(I hope you liked part 2 it is shorter then part 1 but i hope you liked it bye!!! Love you Pottahs⚡️💕

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