24 (Merry Christmas!)

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Hizashi hummed to himself as he slowly stirred the small pot of liquid caramel with a wooden spoon. There was an American Christmas jingle stuck in his head, which was rather annoying.

He was off work today, due to the special holiday. Aizawa chose to spend his day off sleeping in bed, even though it was well past noon.

No one else in the house was awake, either. The first thing Hizashi had done that morning was to check on the blond girl injured on his couch.

She was curled up into a protective ball, sleeping soundly. Hizashi had smiled fondly, and fixed the blanket around her small form.

The house was as silent as a mouse, a peaceful atmosphere settling over everything.

So, you couldn't really blame him for being unprepared for the sudden sneak attack from behind.

He turned his attention back to the caramel sauce, turning down the heat slightly on the stove burner it rested upon. He was about to add a pinch of salt, but suddenly whirled around when his danger senses flared up.

A knife came swinging out of nowhere, aimed directly at his throat. He shrieked in surprise, forgetting for a moment that he was a pro hero.

The blond girl that had been rescued yesterday held the knife, grinning like a psycho and a crazed look in her yellow eyes. Before she could graze the hero's skin, a hand shot out from behind and latched onto the girl's wrist that held the knife.

"Already trying to stab people this early in the morning?" A tired voice drawled out, emerald green eyes flashing with a hint of mischief and fondness. "C'mon, Toga. You know better."

The blond haired villain's golden eyes widened, and a large, toothy smile stretched out across her face. "Izu-Chan!" she cried out, spinning around and flinging her arms around the greenette's neck in a tight hug. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around the ex villain's waist, giggling madly.

Deku held his friend up with no trouble, hugging the slightly shorter girl with one arm, using his other hand to pry the knife out of Toga's grip. He set the knife down on the counter, backing up and chuckling quietly.

"What, miss me that much to go and get yourself stabbed?" Deku raised an eyebrow. "You know, you could've gotten my attention in other ways. You didn't have to bleed out."

Toga jumped out of his embrace, holding her hands behind her back and smiling sweetly. She then turned her feline-like eyes back to Hizashi, who had been standing there in slight shock as he watched the strangely wholesome interaction.

"Who's that old guy?" Toga questioned lowly, oblivious to the fact that the 'old' hero could hear her every word. "He looks familiar..."

Deku took the knife that he had set on the counter, and placed it back into the kitchen drawer that housed all the utensils without Toga noticing, then leaned against the counter, folding his arms.

"That's Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic." Deku pursed his lips, finding it entertaining to watch the older man's sputtering words and very confused facial expression. "You know, the one who helped save your life the other day?"

Toga's intrigued expression turned in to one of great suspicion and disgust. "Wait. He's... he's a pro hero."

The villainess spat the word out with such venom, it made everyone in the room flinch. Deku took a deep breath, unable to look into his friend's disbelieving eyes.

"Toga... it's not like that-" Deku tried to explain, but was cut off.

"Oh, yeah?" Toga scoffed, stepping closer to the green haired boy. "You're staying here, in a hero's house. Tell me, how it's not 'like that'. Did you even try to come back home? You chose this," she gestured around the room. "Over us? Over me?"

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