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Thank you guys on the feedback for the last 'chapter'! It was very helpful and I really appreciated it. Have a good rest of your day!

Deku heard the voices of his friends calling out to him, but he couldn't muster up the strength to respond. His white shirt was soaked grey with sweat, his green curls sticking to his forehead. His lungs struggled to inhale properly.

All his attention was focused on his quirk, all his energy was being spent on controlling his quirk from breaking loose.

It was all his effort just to keep himself above the shadowy waves struggling to pull him under. So it was a miracle that he sensed his friends come barreling out of the trees, just to be held back with a massive bolt of green lightning.

His quirk fought to be released, to be used as a weapon. To be used at full power. But Deku couldn't let that happen, so he kept a tight leash on his quirk, determined to never lose control.

Never again.

It was Bakugo who pulled Kirishima back and away from the opening to the clearing, just in time.

Eraserhead quickly caught up with the two boys, covering his face just in time as the bright green light illuminated the forest.

He pushed past his two students, who were frozen in shock. He followed their gaze, and his tired eyes widened.

There was the boy he had come to see as his son, strung up in the air, at least two hundred feet above the ground. Black tentacles seemed to hold him in a cradle; two wrapped tightly around the boy's legs. Two more were ensnaring his wrists, holding them up in the air. More were wrapped around his middle and neck, suspending him up.

Massive arcs of green electricity radiated off Deku, striking at anything that moved.

Aizawa quickly followed the shadowy ropes, following them to their source. He followed the green lightning, watching where it struck the most often.


Directly across from Aizawa, hiding on the other side of the clearing, was a man cloaked in shadows. With a growl, Eraserhead started forward.

As if sensing his intentions, the mysterious man stepped into view, exposing a large, white grin.

"So kind of you to join us!" The man said cheerfully, as if he wasn't about to be attacked by an angry, overprotective dad.

Deku twisted around in his restraints, letting loose a stream of green lightning from his hand that caused the black clad man to jump back.

The man made a fist, causing the shadow-like tentacles to tighten painfully around Deku's body. The boy hissed in pain.

Aizawa glared daggers at the man, keeping an arm out to stop his two students from rushing forward.

"Who are you?" The hero called out angrily, venom lacing his every word.

"Oh, nobody important," the shadowy man laughed. "just a simple someone sent to retrieve something very important,"

Eraserhead looked at the man, then at Deku, trying to connect the dots. "I suggest you surrender peacefully," he said loudly, barely restraining himself from attacking the shadowy man right then and there.

"Before you get your ass handed to you by a couple of students and an old teacher," he finished, gripping his scarf.

Eraserhead was about to use his quirk, but suddenly, the man disappeared back into his shadowy mist.

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