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Two hours before the 'earthquake'.

Aizawa's head whipped around as he once again felt a slight tug at the end of his scarf. But the culprit was looking as innocent as ever, his green eyes twinkling with mischief.

Who was Aizawa to ruin his fun? The boy hadn't been this happy since... well, since ever. With a dramatic flip of his hair, Aizawa twirled his scarf around his neck. He smiled to himself when he heard Deku laugh.

Deku's laugh was sweet and harmonious, it definitely didn't fit his 'tough villain' image. Aizawa vowed to himself to make the boy laugh every single day, if only to tease him about it later.

Aizawa's footsteps echoed down the empty hallways, accompanied by much quieter and softer footfalls.

The black haired man had taken Deku out on a stroll around the bottom level of the Reformatory Center, and Deku was loving every minute of it.

There wasn't much he could do, cooped up in that white room. Nothing to entertain himself with, no one to talk to on the days Kacchan and Aizawa didn't visit.

Deku enjoyed the physical activity, even if it was just a simple walk. But he couldn't enjoy himself fully, for he knew the cameras in the hallways were marking every single step, analyzing him. It made him want to throw up.

He didn't like being watched.

There was another motive behind Aizawa's idea for a walk, of course.

Detective Tsukauchi had noticed the growing bond between the hero and the young villain, so he sent Eraserhead to take stock of the boy's physical condition, and hopefully, his quirk.

Aizawa didn't like tricking the boy. He didn't like how the heroes and the police monitored him so heavily. The poor boy wasn't able to deal with that much attention. But it was only Aizawa, and Bakugo who knew how broken the boy really was.

The hero had come to learn over the past couple weeks that Deku was just a boy. A teenager, at most. Deku had seen and done all the things a boy shouldn't have to worry about.

Aizawa had self diagnosed Deku with severe PTSD, anxiety, depression, Stockholm syndrome, and most likely a minor personality disorder. Of course, the police had diagnosed the boy with these as well. But to them, they were just labels. Aizawa saw it as a problem he was determined to fix.

But the most recent problem was, Deku did not want to be fixed. He still refused to let anyone touch him or talk to him. He still freaked out when new people came into his room, his shock collar still went off when Deku got riled up.

Aizawa still had yet to gain Deku's complete trust.

Aizawa smiled as he yet again felt the slight tugging at the end of his scarf. Slowly but surely, we're getting there.

Then that's when the shaking started.

"Hey, detective?"

Tsukauchi turned to one of his colleagues, a man with brown hair. He sipped his coffee before answering. "What's up?"

"Did you authorize someone to come down to sub-level fourteen and hand out donuts to everyone?"

Tsukauchi frowned, looking at the box of donuts his colleague presented to him. "Uh, no?" He sipped his coffee.

"Well, there's a guy on sub-level fourteen with about a dozen boxes of donuts handing them out to everyone," his colleague said with confusion, biting his own donut.

Tsukauchi looked at his friend curiously, then looked at the security footage, displayed on four huge flatscreen TV's.

His eyes landed on a hooded man, walking down the hallways with about ten boxes of donuts in his hands.

AbandonedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora