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"Is it too late to change my mind?"

Aizawa looked over his shoulder curiously. "Having second thoughts?" He asked dryly, his shoes making a pleasant click on the cold tile.

Izuku followed behind, his footsteps never making a sound. He seemed to glide along the floor, not even his clothes disturbed the silence.

Izuku frowned. "No! Uh, well, maybe,"

Aizawa stopped and turned to look at the greenette, smirking. "You scared?" He teased gently.

Izuku crossed his arms, a scowl coming across his features. "Of course not!" His foot tapping noiselessly on the floor suggested otherwise.

Aizawa smiled, his eyes narrowed. "Don't worry, kid," he smirked. "They're just teenagers,"

Izuku muttered something about teenagers being bloodthirsty demons, and Aizawa had to nod his head in agreement.

"Come on," the black haired hero said, starting off again. "We'll be late if we don't hurry,"

Izuku followed the older man obediently, his eyes darting around the large hallway. He planned to find a map of the school and steal it, but for now, he committed every turn and staircase to memory.

After walking up one flight of stairs, taking a left, and walking straight for some time, the two finally stopped in front of a massive door.

"I'll call you in when we're ready, alright?" Aizawa spoke softly, noticing the boy's narrowed eyes and tense shoulders.

Izuku nodded in acknowledgment, stealing himself. Whatever was behind that door, he'd face it head on.

Class 1A were anything but teenagers. Toddlers, was a much more accurate assumption.

That's what was going through Bakugo's mind as he watched a paper airplane fly by his head.

Kirishima was currently supervising Denki Kaminari, who was trying to shove pencils up his nose.

"Students!" Tenya Ilda shouted to be heard over the loud chatter of the classroom. "Please, sit down! The teacher with be here soon!" Every word he spoke was articulate and accompanied by a sharp hand gesture.

Of course, class 1A ignored their class president, as most teenagers would.

Mina Ashido successfully shut Ilda up by smacking him upside the head with a rather thick textbook. The whole class cheered for her righteous actions.

Aizawa chose that moment to slam the sliding door open, causing the students to freeze in their tracks.

The black haired hero sighed and pinched his eyes closed. "I hope that when I open my eyes," he said through gritted teeth. "You'll all be in your seats,"

Three seconds later, the older man opened his eyes and stepped inside the classroom. As expected, the students quickly returned to their seats without protest.

"Alright," Aizawa said gruffly, standing at the front of the classroom. "I hope you've enjoyed your 'break', I sure as hell didn't," he muttered quickly.

"Due to certain events that have happened to the school in the past," he continued, trying to sounds professional. "We've decided to introduce a new... teacher,"

The students knew better than to talk amongst themselves while their Sensei was speaking, but they were all wondering what this new 'teacher' was.

"All of you know who he is," Aizawa continued, leaning against his desk. "He'll be helping me train you guys, nothing more. If you're uncomfortable with this situation, then too bad,"

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