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They weren't going to get anywhere with him. He would make sure of that.

Deku stared blankly at the detective sitting in front of him, eyebrow raised. As soon as he was able to stand on his own, Deku was forced to meet with detective Tsukauchi. Deku had been preparing himself for this encounter as soon as he had regained consciousness.

He was well informed about heroes and their quirks, including this detective. Tsukauchi was able to tell if someone was lying as soon as the lie left their mouth.

But this talent was worthless on Deku. He had been trained in multiple ways, including lying. How to steady his breathing, how to stare unflinchingly at his enemies. The detective would get no information out of him, he would make sure of that.

Deku shifted uncomfortably in his metal chair, trying to bring his arms up, forgetting his wrists were handcuffed to the chair's arms. He brought one leg up, resting his heel at the edge of the seat, his other leg bouncing up and down restlessly on the floor.

The detective did not speak, only analyzed Deku, making him slightly uncomfortable. The low hum of the ceiling fan filled the small room with a gentle breeze. Well, if this was going to be a silent staring contest, Deku would win.

Deku tilted his head slightly as he heard Tsukauchi scribble something down on the notepad in front of him. Deku bit his bottom lip, refusing to be the first one to crack under the silence. The detective looked equally resolute.

Deku looked up as the door to the small room was slammed open, slightly flinching at the sudden loud noise. He quickly analyzed the hero that stepped into the room.

Pro hero Endeavor and Eraserhead stormed through the room, the former leaving a trail of ash floating behind him. Eraserhead's expression was neutral, his tired eyes bored. Endeavor was angry, his icy blue eyes cold and harsh.

"For god's sake, get on with the questioning!" Endeavor roared, slamming his fire coated hands on the table.

Deku narrowed his eyes at the pro hero, slightly raising his eyebrows. He'd never tell, but his heart was beating like crazy. It took all his restraint not to break his chains and leap at the hero's throat. But the heroes couldn't know he had a quirk. No one could. He fought to keep his expression neutral.

Detective Tsukauchi gave an exasperated sigh. "I was wondering when you'd come barging in," he said, rubbing at his eyes. "by all means, feel free to ask him some questions. He refuses to speak."

Deku watched Endeavor crack his knuckles with an amused expression. He knew the hero wouldn't physically hurt him. It was against the law... right? Despite his doubts, Deku continued to stare up at Endeavor with a blank mask.

Endeavor stood beside his seat, and grabbed onto the front of Deku's shirt. He pulled him up in one swift motion, straining Deku's cuffs to the limit.

Deku watched the pro hero with wide eyes, but they were without an ounce of fear. He had been trained to fear no hero. He held his head high as Endeavor shook him roughly.

"Who do you work for, boy?" Endeavor hissed, his flames growing hotter by the second. He was surprised when the villain flashed him a toothy grin.

"I can't seem to recall," Deku said simply. It was the first time he had spoken since being captured by the heroes. He shrugged his shoulders, jangling his chains.

Endeavor growled, shaking him again. "Who do you work for, villain?" he spat in Deku's face. Deku sighed, slowly bringing his hand up to wipe away the flecks of spit on his cheek.

"Oh, I'm a villain now?" Deku chuckled, enjoying the furious look on Endeavor's face. "How fun! Can you let me go now?" he patted at Endeavor's hands, slightly burning himself. But his face didn't betray any pain he felt. He had felt worse before.

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