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So I've kinda dedicated this chapter to Deku and the student's relationships with him. Lots of different scenarios set up throughout the week of him getting used to the role of 'teacher'. Honestly, this chapter doesn't really have anything to do with the plot, but it's kinda introducing you to... Dad-Deku? Lol I dunno how to phrase it. I literally just wanted to write a chapter dedicated to Deku helping out the student's emotional states leave me alone-

This chapter will have fluff and happiness! (Because holy fish sticks you guys are gonna need a happy chapter right now. The next chapter, we return to angst and pain.)

They were all horrible fighters.

He knew that much just by putting them through a simple warmup drill. Most students did the exercises while huffing and puffing, some were able to make it through the warmup without collapsing.

Deku didn't have high hopes for this class. Without their quirks, they wouldn't last a second in a hand to hand combat fight. They all really were horrible fighters.

Well, not really. Some had the basic knowledge and skill set to fight quirkless, but Deku was certain that they never tried to.

I mean, why would they need to? Deku asked himself, scowling. They were blessed with quirks, quirks that were their own and honed to perfection. Their quirks weren't suppressed for six years, they weren't forced to fight quirkless to survive. They weren't punished when they lost a fight. They didn't-

"Um, Deku Sensei?" A quiet voice asked hesitantly beside him.

His eyes flicked to regard the trembling student, and he scoffed internally.

Everyone is afraid of me. How am I supposed to teach students who are afraid of me? Isn't class 1A supposed to be the strongest Hero Course? Didn't they go head to head with villains before? How come-

He cut his train of thought off, folding his arms. He turned to the student, not even bothering to remember her name.

"Um, I was just wondering if you could, um," the indigo haired student began nervously. She started fiddling with her elongated earlobes, tapping the earphone jacks against one another.

Deku waited patiently, his emerald green eyes boring into her own.

"I was wondering if you could... switch my training partner?" She finished quickly, lowering her gaze to the ground.

Deku raised an eyebrow. He looked out to the sea of students, watching them fight each other with their quirks for a moment.

After the initial failure of the students following his instructions like they were being held at gun point faded, class 1A decided to warm up in their own ways. Which, of course, was trying to kill each other with their quirks.

"Would you prefer it if I partner you up with a girl?" Deku asked, keeping his voice level. He looked at the young woman in front of him curiously.

She doesn't seem the type to whine and complain if she doesn't get put with her 'best friend'. So, is there another reason she risked her comfort zone to come talk to me?

The indigo haired girl looked nervous, but there was a hint of... resolve in her eyes.

"I don't really care who I'm partnered up with," she replied, her voice still quiet. "But, I ask on behalf of all the girls in this class-"

She looked up at him, a determined fire lighting in her eyes. "Please, Deku Sensei, never partner any girl up with him,"

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