secrets,breakups, and breakdowns

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I woke up the next morning in a daze. Suddenly all of the memories came flooding back.

Dean asking me out, the flash of red...everything.

I checked my phone. Still no response from dean. I was beginning to worry but then thought that mabey he was still sleep. I got dressed and headed down to my car and drove off to work.

At the arena

I looked around. Still no sign of dean. I sighed and walked into the sheilds locker room.

"Hey seth,wheres roman and dean"?

"They both whent to the gym"


He nodded and i walked down the corridor the find the arena gym. I looked around and found dean and roman. When he saw me,deans eyes lit up with fear.i walked over to him and gave him and roman both hugs.

"Hi slaves"i joked roman laughed and nodded. Dean just looked away.

"Are you ok"?

"I-im fine, i jus..." he got cut off when his phone beeped. I looked at the text.
Meet me tonight. Dont tell her anything.

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Your kidding me right"?

Dean just looked down and roman stared at him in disgust.

"JJ its not what you think...i-i think we shouldnt see eachother anymore"

I didnt cry and attack him just stood there kinda numb you know.

"We cant stop if we never started", i said backing away slowly and shrugging. I turned around and started walking away but stopped.

"Who is it"? I asked still not facing him.


"Who is it....who texted you"?

"I-i cant say"

I laughed humorless and kept walking. I saw summer with a smug look on her face staring at me. I didnt know what came over me but somthing just....snapped.

I ran at her screaming with rage. I slammed her against the wall continously untill she fell over. I punched her in every open spot i could find prying her hands from her face long enough to bloody her mouth and nose. She screamed in pain as i banged her head against the concrete floor causing blood to mix in her dirt blond hair. I wasnt finished yet. I looked around grabbung the closest near me,a steel pipe, and beat her with it mercilessly until i felt hands wrap around my waist. I turned around to see it was dean whi grabbed me and the anger flooded back.

"Who the hell do you think you are!"? I yelled slapping him across the face his head snapoing to the side. By now a crowd had gathered around. I looked around and saw summer being put in a stretcher and hauled away and dean holding his face looking shocked. He reached out for me but i backed away.

"Stay away from me", i said through gritted teeth my voice barely a whisper.

"Babe", he said grabbing my wrists.


By now i was crying. Not just little tears full on waterworks sniffling shuddering the whole thing. I had a mental breakdown rocking back and fourth on the ground my head between my legs still sobbing.

"Shh...its ok baby girl"

"Were here for you"

I looked to see aj and roman by my side hugging me. I was to stiff to push them off. Why...why wasnt i good enough?

That was the last thing i thought before i blacked out.

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