Chapter 20: wait...what?

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Deans pov

"Surprise?.....dean wait!"

I grabbed my jacket and stormed out of the hotel. I didnt know where i was going but i was getting out of there.

JJ's pov

I sat on the cold bathroom tiles and cried into romans chest. "He d-d-dosent want our ch-ch-CHIIIIIILD!" i said inbetween sobs. Roman rubbed my back and AJ gave me some tissues.

"Shhhh baby girl its gonna be ok"

20 minutes later
Romans pov

JJ had cried herself to sleep and dean still wasnt back.

"AJ can you watch JJ im gonna go find dean"

She nodded and i headed out the door. If i knew dean there was only one place he would be right now.....

AJ's pov

Its been ten minutes and still no dean or roman. I looked down at JJ.

"Oh sweetie im soo sorry" i sighed and shook my head. Dean was being a total dick.


I looked down at my phone and say i had a text from roman.
You can head out now-roman

I cast one last glance at JJ and left the room.

5 minutes later
Dean's pov

I walked into the room. JJ was laying on the bed asleep her cheeks puffy and her nose red. Her cheeks were tear stained. After speaking to roman at the bar i realized how badly i hurt her. I stripped down to my boxers and laid down under the blanket. I looked at her and whispered "i love you baby"

I kissed her stomach and slowly drifted off to sleep.

JJ's pov

I woke up to the sound of AJ yelling. I got up  and put on a pair of jean shorts and a white beater. I walked out of the bedroom to find AJ and Dean yelling in the living room.

"AJ i wasnt trying to hurt her!"

She lunged at him and he sidestepped her neither of them noticing me.

"Listen aj....i was just upset that she hid it from me" he sat down putting his head in his hands. I instantly felt guilty and walked out sitting on his lap. He didnt look up.

"April janette lee you have five seconds to get off of my lap before i show you what crazy really is." i laughed and he looked up. I hugged him and mumbled into his chest "im sorry" i looked into his eyes. "I wanted to suprise you vows....i wasnt trying to hide it from you"

He nodded and kissed my forehead, AJ pretended to gag and i. rolled my eyes. It felt good to have him back.

At Smackdown

Me AJ,Dean,Seth,Roman, and Paige all sat in catering talking about a movie we had recently seen. It felt weird having seth here being that he hasnt been around alot. I shook the thought away. A producer walked up to us.

"Hunter wants to see you guys in his office"

We all got up and walked to his office. I didnt bother knocking and just barged in because hey....trips loves me he's like my dad. The instant i opend it i regretted it almost immediately. He was sitting at his desk.....JERKING OFF. I slammed the door shut and gave everyone a smile.

"What?"paige looked at me weirdly. I shook my head and knocked.

"Come in"

We walked in and i looked at hunter who was bright red and tried not to laugh.

"Ok i have some news for you all that will further push your careers. So i have been talking with seth alot lately...." i cast a glance his way..."and have decided that he will be leaving the sheild"

I shot up in my swat followed by AJ "wait...WHAT!!!!"

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