22. Spill the tea

Start from the beginning

"It was a petty fight. They agreed to never get in each other's way again. It's not a big deal," Landon brushes off. I look between Landon and Grayson. They're both staring at each other. None of them is willing to fall back.

Jaxson seems confused whereas Aaron still seems angry. Roman seems like he could care less as he continues eating his food. Don't tell him, but I wish to be as nonchalant as him one day.

"This doesn't look good on our family or business," Aaron says taking a seat next to Jaxson which is across from us.

"Have you seen half the partners you have? I'm sure they won't mind," Landon scoffs. I look at Landon in surprise. He's usually the quiet and polite one. I've never seen him be so out of character. I wonder what's got him like this? Even when mom and dad passed away, he didn't react emotionally.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Grayson asks cuffing his hands together and leaning in. His forehead creases in anger.

"That most things are public and we're not kids anymore. You don't need to keep us sheltered, we can handle ourselves," Landon challenges.

"What is with the sudden interest in the business?" Aaron asks clearly getting annoyed.

"Because I'm applying to universities which ask a lot about your family. I realized I didn't know anything and so I decided to Google information on us, but nothing leads anywhere. The most I could find was on the business and it's not information I was expecting. The conspiracy theories were pretty dark," Landon admits.

"You know those are fake," Grayson sighing leaning back. Man does not seem impressed at all.

"Are they though? Some of them were quite convincing and it's not like mom and dad ever shared details about anything," Landon accuses.

Grayson breathes heavily pinching the bridge of his nose clearly stressed out.

"What are you saying, Landon?" Aaron asks.

"That we should know what's up. Mom and dad might have had their reasons to hide things, but you don't," he replies. Damn, Landon is really just letting his frustration out today. I mean I've always had the same questions that he does, but I always pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. Mom and dad made us believe everything is so perfect that I never wanted to believe anything else. Maybe that's why I never wanted to tell them how I truly felt because I never actually felt as perfect as they were.

Maybe they weren't as perfect as they lead us to believe.

"There's just somethings better kept secret and getting involved with criminals like these can get dangerous," Jaxson defends.

"Can't wait to turn nineteen and know all the secrets," Landon forces a smile.

"Was mom and dad's accident just an accident?" I blurt.

"Ye- yeah, why would you even ask that?" Aaron stutters but quickly recovers. He avoids looking at me.

"Then why did the investigation last so long?" Roman questions taking the words right out of my mouth. I love how the three of us are so in sync right now.

"Before you decide to say anything, just know that if you decide to lie and I find out the truth later, you'll lose me forever," I warn. Emotional blackmail always works and this is one of the best times to use it.

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