So I told him everything that transpired over the past few days. And as always, he listened. I loved that I can tell him everything without being fussed at about it. Michael has an open mind, and he's always willing to hear both sides of a situation. I told him in hopes of seeking encouragement and that my friends and I will be okay. I know that he'll give me just that.

When I finished, I took a deep breath and sighed out all of my frustrations. "I'm so sorry that you all are going through this, baby. Angel is very strong. With all that she experienced from this situation, she's still being a little optimistic about it. I admire that. I also hate that you and Kidada are torn in the middle of this. I hope that Rashida can come to her sense and give everyone the apology that you guys deserve. I'm so disappointed in her for this." I nodded. "And I can't believe Semaij either. She told me when we first started dating, baby, that she'd kill me if I ever broke your heart. Now it seems that I have to kill her for doing what she told me not to do." I giggled at that. "My only words of encouragement for you and Angel is, continue being great friends to each other. Semaij was just a lesson, and even though it wasn't a very good one, it had to be learned. And tell Angel that I'm always by her side. She's a good person, and she deserves nothing but the best of friends in her life. Be that for her."

"I will, I promised." I smiled softly. "What about you? Anything new happened at the house?"

"Well... Consuela's officially leaving in the morning."

I frowned. "Oh, yeah, she is. Tell her that I love and miss her so much. She was so sweet to me."

"I'll make sure she knows exactly how much she means to you.. to everyone actually." He went silent for a split second, before speaking up again. "I want Madeline to take her place as head chief in charge."

"Really? That's amazing!" I cheered excitedly. Luckily, Madeline wasn't near to hear me.

Michael shushed me anyway. "Not too loud, baby! I plan to surprise her with the promotion the day y'all come back. I know she'll be ecstatic."

I scoffed. "Try more than that. Maddy's been talking about it since we found out that Consuela's leaving."

"I've heard." Michael laughed. "She knew she was getting it the whole time."

"Ana! Everything is ready and we're waitin' on you, love," Angel appeared, leaning against the doorway with a relaxed smile on her face.

"Oh, shit. Baby, I have to go. I'll call you later, I promise."

"Okay, my love. Don't spill the beans to Madeline either! I don't care how excited you are!"

"I won't!" I smiled. "I love you."

"And I love you more, baby. Talk to you later."

I hung up and rushed to Angel with a smile on my face. My arms wrapped her into a tight hug.

"What the Hell?" She laughed.

"Don't question it, because I don't know either," I said. "I just love you so much."

When I pulled away, Angel shook her head but couldn't rid the smile on her face. "I love you, too, Ana. Now c'mon so we can get this day over with! I wanna go sightseein'!"

I laughed as she pushed me through the door.


Los Olivos, California

Michael Jackson -- July 20th, 1994
Location: 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd.

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