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From the moment I woke up I felt something was wrong in my spirit. Like something was happening.

My chest began to tighten up and my breathing was heavy. I don't have asthma, so I couldn't understand what the problem was.

"m..ma.....mah..ma..!!", as I was trying to call out for my mom, I realized my voice was gone. It was like I was talking; but the words were stuck in my throught.

I roll out of bed and fall on the floor.

"Mma.... m.. ma....mm...ma..", still no voice to be heard.

My knees were weak, and I felt like I had no energy to even stand. "What's wrong with me?", I ask in my head.

I make it downstairs to the my door and feel for the knob, it was cold. Not just like regular it was really cold.

It was.... freezing.

I take my long sleeve shirt and pull it dow over my hands and turn the knob to the left. I swear I heard a crack in the door; as if the ice was breaking on the inside of the door.

I make it to the hall and there's no mom. I still can't speak!

"MAA...Mmmaaa....MAHH!!!", finally I managed to get a vry out, but it seemed to be in vein because it felt like the house was empty.

I crawl out the doorway and make it to the steps. As I'm reaching for the rail, I feel a gust of wind move behind me, like somebody had just ran by. I turn around as fast as possible, but no one was there.

I continue to make my way down the stairs when it happens. Another gust of wind comes by, but this time the wind was aggressive, alomst... angry. It was so strong that I lost my balance and fell down the steps.

One by one my head and back were banged angainst the carpeted steps till I reached the bottom floor.

"Oww...ahhh...shhhh...maa..", as I'm crawling towards the door my peripherial vision catches something. It's dark, and tall, but I can't see the person's outlines.

It's broad daylight, I should be able to see their face! I feel my head and it's wet... with blood.

I turn my head to get a better look at the figure.

It was skinny, to the bone skinny. It's face was deppresed and had little meat on it.

It's skin was black, and it's eye's were as black as midnight.

I'm not the most religous person in the world, but I think I know a demon when I see one!

Immediately I start praying. I am not about to ripped the fuck up by some damn demon!

"You have no power in this house! This is a house of God! I rebuke you in the name of Jesus! I condem you back to bowels of hell you rechet beast, begone!", a voice from the other side of me says.

"The boy is mine! His time has yet come to pass, it is me who will take him when his time come. Come child, you have no worry, my appearance befools you! I am no demon, this is the trickery of the demon that stands behind you", the black figure responds. I turn my head to see and agelic figure floating before me.

The whole time this is going on I was just thinking, "This is some weird as shit!", I turn over and shut my eyes.

"You know what? I'm tired. Whatever this is, do what you need to do, I am not going to sit here and debate on who to chose.", oh so now my voice wants to work," do what y'all need to do.", I give up.

Before I knew my body was floating off the ground, "What's happening? Why am I floating!? Help me!, I yell but both figures stand stiff as rocks.

"Bleed.", I hear a voice say in my ear before i feel something sharp breach my skin and begin to go up my back.

"Stop! Why are you doing this!?", I try to move but I have no control over my body.

Blood starts to drip on the floor and I can feel my strength fading.

"You have to wake up child. Wake up", the demon's face shatters and reveals a beautiful being ubderneath, and the once heavenly angel is now a black broken figure with all kinds of fucked up shit going on.

"What do you mean wake up? I am up! Aren't I?", I'm so lost, what the fuck is going on!?

"Wake up!", the angel yells," wake up!", I... I don't know what you mean!

"No! The boy must sleep!" the demon take his hand and sticks it in the wound, spinning it around, making my back go numb from all the pain.

"Wake up! Wake up!", the angel's voice is starting to sound more and more familiar.... it sounds like someone I know.

It was.... Oreo.

"Oreo? Is that you?", I ask the angel.

"Wake up!", the angel just keeps saying.

"Dammit Irvin wake up!", the angel says and suddenly I feel a smack on my face.

The demon backs up and turns away, " I was close.... there will be a next time...

I realize that whatever was keeping me in the air had stop, because my body began to fall from mid air.

When I hit the ground I land in the puddle of my blood, but its not a floor there, its as if the floor dissapeared and my blood was a pool.

I sank into the blood and was scared to open my eyes.

I coukd still here Oreo telling me to wake up, I opened my eyes...

There he was. On top of me sweating like a pig, and crying like a baby.

"Why won't you wake up?", he says while laying on my chest.

"If you don't get off me with all that sweaty ass shit Oreo!" I said while mushing his head.

"Baby!" he looks up and leaps on my face.

"Yes?", I ask.

"You've been sleep for 2 days! Your mom said you were just tired but I thought something was wrong with you. I thought.... I thought I was going to lose you.", he holds my hand and pulls me in.

I never want to go through that again.

The sad part is that I did go through it again. I wouldn't sleep for 2 days, but I would have that same nightmare over and over for a while.

I lost countless hours of sleep because of this nightmare. It makes sense now though. I understand the message of that nightmare.

I don't understand why I had to lose him. All I wanted was for someone to keep me,protect me, and love me for who I am, why was that taken from me.

I will never find the happiness I had with him. The worst part of that is that I know I won't.

I just have to accept it.


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