8. Tuxedos

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    It was time for "prom". All the freshmen had a dance, and decided to call it prom.

    Me and greggorio had already talked about the whole "prom" thing, and he was going to go with a girl to keep his rep. I don't see why we couldn't just make a big statement. We're here. We're queer.... Nahh, I loved life too much for that!

    It wasn't until the day before prom, that it had really set in. I was going to have to go with some broad who was just too thirsty. I was not about to be nobodies prom fuck. Especially not with a girl.

    "You look handsome.", my mom says while fixing my tie.

"Thanks ma. I get it from you." I say cheesing hard.

"Boy stop. You know you look like yo daddy!", we broke out into laugher and shook our heads.

    My glasses had been sitting on my bed, when I put them on, and looked over at my mom and noticed she was crying.

  "What's wrong?", I say sitting down next to her.

"Y'all is just growing up so fast. You know y'all my babies. Even though y'all are grown! I'm proud of you babe.", she leans over and kisses my forehead.

  That's the mother who'd gone M.I.A, and hopefully she wouldn't leave again.... I missed her.

"Y'all ready?", she yelled as she was unlocking the front door.

  "Yeah", me and my brother say as we walk out looking fresh as hell. As usual.

   Its a cool ride there, we played turn up music and see some of our friends on the way.

    I wait out front, but my date isn't there. "Where the fuck is she!?", I say to myself out loud.

    Finally I said fuck and went in with the baddest bitches I knew. Me, DD, Steph-non-englais, and Dezzy (Dezere). Tinaje was on bed rest and couldn't go to the prom, cause trust me, if she had been able to go, we would a shut that shit down!

     "So who you here with!?", my friend Imami yelled , cause the music was loud as all hell.

"Nobody. I was supposed to go with Brenda but she a no show!", I say while shrugging my shoulders and taking a drink of my spiked punch, I spiked it, so yeah.

    "Yo brother lame! He don't even wanna dance!", she was my brothers date to the prom. Its really funny cause they was tallest people in school! It was just.... eww.

  "I know! He can't dance!", I sit my drink down,"Shall we?", I asked her to come bust it wit me.

   "Shit! Why not!?", she said while putting down her drink, which didn't have any liquor in it; lame!

We make it through a crowd of big ass teens sweating their tracks out. Its just, a mess on the dance floor!

      We start dancing and all of sudden some big bitch stepped on my Luis Vutton shoe!! Oh baby fuck no!

     "Damn, can you watch out!?", I say while whipping my expensive ass shoe off.

     "Well maybe you shouldn't be so fucking close!", she turned and yelled. I'm bout to fry her ass!

     "Well, maybe if you wasn't so fucking fat, I wouldn't have to address yo big ass! Ole dumb bitch!", I say while Imani tries to pull me away.

      "Fuck you faggot!", she say while still trying to dance.

"No, fuck you, you fat ass bitch!", okay so I went Love & Hip Hop on her... I threw a drink at her. She ain't do nothing cause I was standing next to five of my best friends, ad we wanted this Barney looking ass hoe to try us!

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