16. Angels

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From the beggining I knew what me and Oreo where getting into was dangerous.
Oreo was in a different world than I was, and I had to face those facts, whether it was now, or later.
My mom had postponed the moving to Georgia for her last time. She was fed up with Jersey, and pratically everyone in it.
"It's final. Come may, we're gone", she said, knowing I had no other option, or say in her final opinion.
"Mom, I can't leave. You know why, so don't even ask. I just can't! That's not fair!!", I scream and run off to my room.
I call oreo and tell him the news.

He wasn't happy, but he knew that this was a possibility with my mother being the way she is.
"Man, why she always trying to take you away from me",Oreo asked.
"I told you, she does't want to see someone love me, she thinks I'm not good enough for love. I never want to lose you...", a tear runs down my cheek, I wipe it off.
"That means I need to see you as much as I can before you leave. I'm on my way", he hung up, and I got dressed.
He pulled up, and I go down stairs. I give my mom a mean glance and walk down towards the door.
Before I can get all the way out of the door I feel a thud hit my back, it wasn't painful, but it defintely felt like someone was trying to make it hurt.
I turn around and it's Antione at the top of the steps giving me a look, I flck him off and get in the car with my man. I hugged him and we pulled off.
We held hands all they way to Applebee's, I didn't know we were going, he was always so spontanious.
We ate and left to go back to his mom's place.
We sat there for a while before we decided to go to the 7/11 for slushies. I grabbed my American Apperal gray hoodie, my burgundy long sleeve tee, my A&F dark blue jeans, and my white ones.
I get in the car. He gets in the car, and looks at me.
"Buckle up", he says winking at me.
"I'd never forget", I kissed him and fassened my seat belt.
We make it to the corner and I get a gut feeling, it runs in the family, whenever danger is near we get this gut wrenching pain, I tell him.
"You probably just got to shit,you can go at the 7/11", he dumbly says.
"Boy, don't play. You know I don't use no damn public bathrooms! That's nasty", I say cutting my eyes at him.
"I do have to pee really bad though", I say lifting his chin.
"Mmhmm", Oreo says.
We pull up to the 7/11, I go in and grab some sun chips and tell him to make my slushee while I pee.
The bathroom seems pretty clean.
It wasn't dirty or anything, but still...
It was.... weird.
I peed, and went back to him.

He's making the slushies, I go up to the counter and pay for everything. I grab some carmex, you can never have too much carmex.
He gives me my food and we go to the car. We're ready to pull off, when I realize that I left my phone in the bathroom, I run back and go grab it.
When I come back out Oreo's talking to this guy, who looks shady as fuck, like really shady.
Oreo gives me a look out the corner of his eye and I get the gist of what's going on.
I get in the car and grab my mace. I hear the talking, it sounded like they where arguing. I get and ask,"Is everything okay?"
"Nahh bitch, ain't shit okay, we don't accept "yo kind" here in Jersey!", he says getting closer to us.
"Man look, we're just here to get some food, we don't want no beef", Oreo says trying to be a peace maker.
"I don't give a fuck what you came here to do faggot, I don't fucking like that gay shit, and I ain't about to have that shit in my city", he starts reaching in pocket.
"Look man, we just here for some slushees, all that drama man... its not worth it", Oreo says again.
I walk around the front of car and tell him to get in the car. He's going back and forth with the guy and I'm trying to stop them from swinging on eachother.
The guy launches a punch at Oreo and misses and hits me in my face.
I stumble on the car and hold my face. Oreo turned and looked at me and turned red like the ripest tomato you'll ever find.
He turns to the guy and starts beating his ass, Oreo loses it!
Oreo has him pint on the car, just blasting his ribs, face, and chest with blows.
I yell out,"Geggorio! Stop!
The guy falls on the ground and Oreo comes to help me up.
While he's getting me up I hear the dude moaning, that's what you get, fucking homophobic ass bastard.
I'm off the ground and Oreo gives me a hug.
We get up and turn around.

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