17. Revalations

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The flowers were white and green, our favorite colours. I bring some candles too, some pictures of us and I bring his sweater he wore the night he was killed.
I walk up to his grave and sit the flowera on top of the grave, and put the pictures and candles on the ground. Before I can sit down I look at his grave.
All of a sudden it hits again. The realization that he was really gone, the fact that he would never come back to me in this world. I start crying and drop to my knees.
I start clintching onto his sweater, thinking if I pray hard enough he might come back to me, knowing full well all the prayer in the world could never bring my baby back to me.
".....So..... this is how the story ends huh? .....", a tear drops and falls on his sweater," it's still me and you against the world. Because even though your not here with me, I know you'll be here till we meet again."
I light the candles and start reading to him,"34 year Marquis Stevenson, after 2 days of being in ctitical condition after being hit by a garbage truck while attempting to flee from the crime scene has died today." In the back of my mind I'm sceeaming YAASSSSS, but I know that that still won't bring Oreo back.
"You know because of us, there is a gay alliance now? An orginization dedicated to helping LGBT teens and adults to learn to love themselves for who they are and to not be scares to have pride in who they are." We did it Oreo.
It wasn't intentional for this to happen. Any of this. All of this, was never planned. We didn't plan to do or change anything!
All we wanted was respect because that's what's supposed to be given.
I have only one thing I must ask.... why?

Why is who I love so important to you? Does anything I do with the person I am in love with involve you or change the person you are?

No. It doesn't. But yet becausr yoy are a heterosexual and I, a homosexual, you have a right to control my life, and make me abide by your rules.
I will continue to be gay. I will continue to love men. That was how I was born, and that is how I will die.
If you can't accept that, then don't speak to me, don't pretend to understand, care, listen, be my friend, don't pretend to do shit!
Live your life, and I'll live mine.

By writting this book I hope that more and more LGBT teens and adults can find hope or empowerment by reading my story. I want to show them that we are human being at the least, and we deserve to be treatedas such.
I love you all who have taken the time to read This Is Us, and I hope you enjoyed my story.


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