11. Memories

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Blue. Red. White. Green. Black.

All the colors I saw when the ambulance came to get us.

Barely breathing, my body covered in blood, I was back to the world. Which I didn't want to be.

The only thing that really hurted was my leg. And that had no cuts on it. Bringing what I had assumed, to be true.

The EMT whispers in my ear,"Relax sweety, you're okay. Its not yours. All that's wrong is a broken leg.", she says while rubbing my forehead.

I said,"I'm sorry, but... you're wrong. Just be cause it isn't my blood doesn't make me want to be okay. The fact that I know it's his blood, makes my heart tense up. If he's not alive, my leg won't be the only thing broken....", she sits back and realizes what it meant.

"How long?", she asks.

"Going on 3 years, believe it or not.", she looks shocked, but smiles.

"Wow. You two must really love each other, huh?", she says while securing the needle in my arm.

"At one point in time, I loved him more than I loved myself. I think I still do. He's my everything, and without my everything, I have nothing. A dark abyss of loneliness and blood stained memories that only will make me miss him more. Which is why he can't leave me. No. Which is why he won't leave me. Where is he!?", I try to sit up but she has me strapped down. And my leg hurts like a bitch.

"Honey, you have to stay still and be calm. Your still shaken up a bit by the crash. Any spikes in your blood pressure, and you could go into shock! Just, relax.", she grabs her radio and ask if Oreo's made it to the hospital yet, and what was his status is.

I fade out again and I can't hear what the person says.

She says,"your boyfriend's doing okay...."she pauses, and looks like she doesn't want to tell me the rest of it, but finally she brings her self to deliver the message,"he's... in pretty bad shape. Once they get him to the hospital they're going to have to send him straight to the ICU. Now I wasn't supposed to tell you that, but I trust you won't overreact. Am I right?", she's only doing this because they don't want my blood pressure to spike again. She's trying to get me to trust her. I don't.

"I'm fine. How far are we from the hospital?", I say turning my head away from her.

"We live in New Jersey, we're no more than 2 minutes away.", which was accurate. Considering how small Jersey really is.

We pull up to the hospital and I'm taken to some room were its real dark and the TV is on. The doctors just wrapped my leg, and tried to be quick and leave. But before they could walk away I hurry and say,"Wait! My boy...", I pause,"the boy that was in the car accident with me... how is he? Is okay?", I sit up and moan at the pain in my leg.

"Mr......? Scar is it?", shut up, don't ask," I'm sorry, but I'm not at Liberty to tell anyone outside the immediate family.", what the fuck you mean.... I'm his wife the fuck?

"Well than what can you tell me!?", I say bagning my hand against the medical bed, the surge from my force sent a pain down my leg, a slide my hand to my leg, secretly, I didn't want to look stupid.

"He's still alive. But that's all I can say.", he hurries and walks out the room.

I hope he didn't think I was just going to sit here. There was a wheelchair laying next to the bed. I lay back and stick my arm under the beside holder; the thing to keep people from falling out the bed, I grab the wheelchair and get it to stand up on its own.

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