5. Codoms

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Dying in math class, I reached for my gum in my book bag. Immediately all the bitches in the class room shouted," OOOOH! Bitch lemme have a peice!". Most of the people who asked for a peice I didn't even like! Back in Jersey it didn't matter if you didn't like the person, it didn't matter; they had the gum, so you asked, PERIOD.

I survived the onslought of thirsty teenage bitch by only giving put three peices to my best friends and tell the rest of them I'm all out. Them bitches wasn't finna eat all my gum! I took my binders and went to my next class, THANK GOD for social studies! I sit down and wait for my friend to show up. Eventually two seconds before the late bell rings she come thrashing through the door and into her desk.

"BItch", she says breathing uncontrollably," you will NOT beleive what the fuck just happened! Danille and Tinaje was just fighting!" I wasn't suprised, them bitches was arguing all week, and besides Danille had a smart ass mouth, and was pratically dying to get that ass beat! Tinaje was also one of my really close friends, so you know how it is. "BItch did she win?" I said leaning over to her desk and getting in her face.

"Bitch you know I was right there; front and motherfucking centered!" I gave her a high five, being as though getting to see a fight happen, right in front of you, and you lived to tell the story with no scars or bruises, you was a lucky ass bitch!

"Bitch Tinaje BEAT HER ASS! They supposed to figh again after school. They was in the bathroom so they ain't get caught. BItch if you had a pussy you coulda saw it for yourself!" she said as if a bitch didn't already know that.

" I know." I said as the teacher waltzed his crazy ass into class, he was down the hall photocopying us some work sheets to play with cause today was Friday, adn he ain't feel like teaching.

I went to Tinaje after school and aked her was she really going to fight Danielle again, it was already bad she fought her once; cause Tanije was pregnant.

"So, is you really gone fight Danille agian?" I asked while rubbing her belly. She turned to me and smiled, " Yeah baby, Imma beat her ass again. She was talking about me, how the fuck you supposed to be my best friend, but yet you goin around talking shit about how I got pregnant by a nigga who don't even love me. Like... BItch! Who the fuck are you!?" she yelled with a passion, I could see it in her eye that she felt betrayed by someone she told everything to, how dare she?

"Well if I can't stop girl, do you. Just know imma be there if she try some funny shit! I'll kick that bitch if she get you down!" We immediatley went into laughter. A laughter which was soon interrupted by a loud mouth hoe coming down the street, I knew what it was from the rip!

"Where that bitch at! NO! Move! Imma fuck her up!", Danille nasty lookin' ass said as she was coming down the street. " Bitch I hope you ain't thought that was it! I'm really finna fuck you up." A girl tried to pull her back, but the teen bitch was too angry to control. Another girl yelled," No! You cain't fight her cause she pregnant! Y'all can fight after she have the baby! You gone go to jail bitch!" She should've taken her half dressed friend's advice. She got in Tinaje's face and said," So wassup bitch? Huh? Wassup?", she threw up her hands up, a sign too familar to me.

As she had done in the bathroon, Tinaje.. BEAT DAT ASS!!! Danielle swung first, but missed. Tinaje caught her by her hair and threw her up agianst the fence. She pulled her hair down, which caused her to bend over, Tinaje came in with a Mega-Powered knee to Danielle's face. Danielle fell over and climbed on top of her, pounding her face in with her bloody fists.

My evil ass snuck to the front after being pushed back by uncontrollable children. I was able too sneak in a kick at Danielle's rib. No one saw it so I did it agian. After what felt like 20 minutes, which later turned out to be 20 seconds, my mom came and broke up the fight. Tinaje got suspended for like 5 days, and Danielle got suspended for 2 weeks, one because she started the fight, two she fought her while Tinaje was pregnant.

Later on that day I went over to Oreo's house and told him about the whole thing. I didn't have to tell him that i snuck in a kick, he already knew how i got down.

"I bet you hit Danielle while she was fightin' did you?" Oreo asked. I immediately blushed. "You know it!" I reached to give him a high five, but instead all I got was a blank stare. He grabbed me by waiste and started laughing.

"You evil as hell! For no reason at all too. Fight me then! HUh! Fight me.", he started tickling me, and LORD KNOWS I CAIN"T STAND BE TICKLED! He chased me around the room tickling me till i fell over on his bed. I knocked over his pillow and saw an empty condom wrapper.

Immediately I treuned over and asked," Where the FUCK did this come from!?" I stood up while he held his hands to his face. when I pulled them away it was looking like he was laughing! I asked him, "What the fuck so funny?" He began to laugh even more.

"Babe... that's from the other night when we... you know... the couch, and the stairs, and the....", I hurried up and cut him off. "Ugh Ugh Ugh Ugh! Nevermind!" I smiled and reached for a kiss, which he willingly gave to me.

"Yeah, and you thought it was from someone else!" he tackled me and climbed on top of me. " You ready to find another one of those?" Oreo asked. "Maybe." I pulled him in closer and kissed him.

I don't remember what it feels like to be reassured someone cares for you. I can't feel a warm embrace against my otherwise cold body. I don't feel much of anything anymore.


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