13. Stories

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     ** Play song as you read the "massage scene". Get the full "massage scene" experience... Play the song.**


       Sometimes we don't always get what we ask for.  Some of us, less than others. We don't know why, it's just something we can't understand.

          I never will understand why we couldn't just last longer. I gave all of my last wills and strengths to keeping us okay.

       I texted him once. It was around the first time we were dating, we had just saw each other at Cooper's pool during the summer.

     I saw him and was like," That looks like greggorio, you know the one that could hold both his legs behind his head.", I say in my head. The fact he was the only kid who could do that was..

    It was... weird.

  We were swimming when the life guard blew the whistle to tell people they needed to get out the pool for a little.

     I ended up sitting next to him, and I was like," hey, you look like this kid I knew back at my old school. His name was Greggorio. That's a weird name.... Greggorio... hmmph.", I shrug my shoulders and look to see if it was him.

      "My names's Greggorio...", he gave me a weird look like, 'you making  fun of my name?'; that kind of look.

      "See! Hey it's me. Scar," shutup,"... from  Parker Elementary!"

He looked at me harder and gave me a grin, "I remember you! You was the quiet one, they used to bully you didn't they?, he asked.

       "Yeah, but I older, and I got a mouth and a pair of balls to punch a bitch, so... yeah.", I say, and he luaghs.

       "I don't think that was nice of them, you seem like a pretty cool person...", I blush and he grins and looks in the pool.

     We decided the pool was dead so we were gonna leave and hang out. But when we got outside by the gate, his mom had called.

      "Dang! That was my moms. I gotta go, but... what's your number so I can text you?",he says while holding his phone by his dick, holding it for me to take it... Hey!! The phone! Y'all nasty!

      I take the phone and touched his dick a little, shutup, and I type in my digits.

     "You sure this the right number? Cause I don't wanna call you, and Juanita Gonzalez answer the phone", he says, with his deep ass voice.

   It was... deep.

"Its the right number, geesh. What I got to lie for?", I ask.

"I dunno... you tell me?", he says.

  "Just text me whenever.", I say walking off and going to my aunt's house.

    Did I mention Cooper's pool was in South Trenton, I feel like I haven't mentioned it... hmmph.

   "Okay.", he says sarcastically and pedals off on his big ass bike.

    I don't think there was ever a time were I couldn't text him. It would be 2 o'clock in the morning, and we's be on the phone till we walk in school! It became habitual, repeating the same day over and over again with him. Talking, texting, laughing, swimming... it all became normal.

    A couple weeks after we met, again,  I was texting him at about 12 o'clock. It mainly just boring text messages, the "okay", the "cool, and you", and the "wyd now?", texts. I was in my feelings and it just came over me. I texted him.

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