12. Problems

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Some how Oreo pulled through his mishap in the hospital. Although he was doing good, he was in a medically induced coma, to make sure that the surgery was a success.

I hadn't been out the hospital 3 seconds before all the news reporters and journalists came rushing asking me questions.

I had a migraine and didn't feel like answering their stupid ass questions.

"Scar!", one reporter said, "Scar, are you okay?", another says, pushing people to get to the front is this really ugly reporter with tacki ass shoes on,"Scar, how does it feel knowing your boyfriend is going to be okay?", she throws her microphone close to my mouth, slightly lifting her arm, I could smell the funk of desperation under her arms.

My mom says that I'm not answering questions, and that if all the reporters would kindly stop.

But the blood hungry piranha's kept going. One asked,"We heard you two have been dating for quite a while, do you think that this would bring you two closer together or further apart?", what in the fuck does that have to do with the car crash?

After we get by my mom's car, again the ugly reporter with Almighty Dragon Conqueror shoes on, asks the final question as I was opening up the passenger side door, "Scar! Do you think you'll be okay if he dies from the surgery?", I pause and evaluate the question.

After realizing that bitch had me fucked up, I approached him, I mean her, no, I said it right, him, in the kindest way possible," You stupid bitch! I was just in a car accident! My boyfriend's blood was all over me! And you want to bring that up, as soon as I get out the hospital? You ugly ass, musky ass, fishy ass, dry ass, lame ass, never get a story ass, I'm doing this for my children ass, I used to do room service ass..", I had to catch my breath," BITCH. You happy now? You got your story, now fly away dragon, your free!", my mom looked at me , but didn't say anything cause she knew was being recorded, plus I was pissed of

Never, fuck with me when I have a migraine. NEVER.

I get to my house and see a vigil being held for me there. My whole family, people from the hood, even bitches I didn't like were there. It was... weird.

"Welcome Back!!", the mob of people say as I get out the car. My dad in the front of the crowd and the rest of the family and others to the back of him. He gives me a hug and everybody claps. It was cute, for now.

I knew though, that as soon as the day was over, my dad would be gone, my mom would go back to the bitch she was, and I was going to be alone, in my bed, without Oreo.

The doctor said he should be fine in a week. They don't want to use the drugs for too long, cause they have caused addiction before.

I went to school on crutches. But after feeling around, I felt like I didn't need them. My leg didn't hurt, so I only really needed one crutch.

"Bitch! You all famous and shit!", Tinajé says while hip bumping me. "I know", I say,"but look what happened for me to get famous. I'm just your everyday gay boy, this type of shit don't happen too often, especially not in Jersey", we laugh and we go to lunch.

At school I was a social pariah, and I honestly, I was loving it.

Is it not almost every teenage gay boy's dream to become famous? The only problem was the reason why I was famous. I wanted to be famous off my own skills, off my talents, I wanted people to recognize my worth. Instead they were covering our love story.

Just like every sad ass story that makes the news, I was there on all the news channels, and when I went home I wasn't surprised to see the news all up and down my street.

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