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I was moving. To.... Georgia! I was going to be more than a little 20 minute walk away from him.

I was going to be leaving states! I wouldn't be able to see him.

Feel him. Touch him. Fuck him. All my investments, in friendships, family, and love, had been in Trenton, New Jersey. Leaving this sate would be the death of me.

Gregorio wasn't answering my texts. And I was too nervous to call him. But nervous or not... I needed him to know it wasn't me that was being abrupt with the news, it was mommy dearsest.

I pick up my phone and call him. It rings twice. And then finnaly someone picks up.

I heard someone in the background crying, I said,"Hello? Oreo? Are you there?",and I hear a sniffle.

The crying person in the background clears their throat and begins to talk. But someone else grabs the phone

"You..... You're leaving!? How could you!? Why didn't you tell him?!", it was a women's voice, his sister.

"It's not my fault. I didn't know! Is he there?", I say leaning to the edge of my bed, sitting up to relieve the amount of pain in my chest.

"He's here.... Crying his fucking eyes out! I'll put him on. ", she tells him something in Italian and suddenly his crying stops.

I hear two more sniffles before he says anything.

"Why?", he says with his nose sounding runny.

"My mom went through my phone Oreo. She said I disrespected her by me still talking to you. And since she found out we were dating, I think she's been planning a way to break us up...", I clear my throat," she told me the night I told you. She said she wasn't going to allow it in her house and that she was moving to Georgia in less than 2 months. Oreo, I would never do you like that, you know me!" I never wanted this to happen.

Fall in love.

It wasn't a part of the plan. I knew we weren't going to be staying in Jersey for the rest of our lives, but why now?

Now that I've met someone. Now that I've fallen in love.

It just isn't fair to neither me or Oreo, we don't deserve that.

All my life, my mother has continuously removed the people who care for me out of my life. Whether it be a friend, or even a mentor.

Anyone whose ever shown me affection she's always ripped them clean off me like a fresh band aid.

"But... but its the middle of the school year! She can't take you out yet! Right?", he says in pain, like his heart was slowly freezing in his chest.

"Apparently she can. And apparently wasn't going to tell me until it was one month left! Oreo, if I knew I was moving I would've told you. I love you." a tear falls from my eye, off my cheek and on to my sheets. Which smelled like him.

"Come stay with me. You can just live here, with me," and Mary buds in and says,"AND ME!", which sounded like a good idea. But there was no way possible my mom was going to allow that to happen. As much as I believe she hates my core, she would never put me in the posseion of another.

But please don't think this means "a point for mommy", cause her reasoning is anything but loving. She didn't love me too much to let me go, she hates me too much to let me go. She knows that if I were to leave her custody, for once, I would actually be happy. Think of it like.... Cinderella!

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