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My head is so heavy. I tried to twist and turn and finally open my eyes. I was lying down on the ground inside some kind of basement. I blinked my eyes few times. My hands were tied roughly that it hurts so much. I looked up and saw a man wearing mask talking to Ash. I gathered all my strength and stood up. I swinged from one side to other and fell on my knees when I was right next to Ash. He looked away from the man and came to his left and gave me support with his shoulders, I kept my head on it. I am not feeling okay. It feels like I could throw up any time soon.

Ash:'' You okay?''

Misty:'' How do you expect me to be okay at this time?''

We were whispering to each other.

Ash:'' There isn't a way to get out of here. Plus I have no idea where we are.''

Misty:'' So, the only way out is that gate?''

Ash;'' Hm''

The man approached us and sat in front of us.

Kidnapper:'' What's with the whispers?''

We kept silent.

Kidnapper:'' I see you children are quite wealthy.''

Seems, like he is normal kidnapper no big shot. Still...we have to get out of here.

Misty:'' Of course not! My family hardly makes money. We are very poor.''

I lied. Ash gave me a questionable look.

Ash:'' That's a lie. Your sister was staying in such a luxurious hotel.''

I sighed and glared, whispering..

Misty:'' You are unbelievable.''

Kidnapper:'' Haha! You two are fun. It will be fun as long as u will stay here.''

I bit my lower lip. Wait..

Misty:'' Where is our pokemon?''

Kidnapper:'' Good question. haha. They are mine.''

Ash:'' Yours? You think the pokemon will listen to you?''

Kidnapper:'' Why not? I have special devices if they wear it, they have to listen to me!''

Misty:'' That is so inhuman!''

I shouted. Making pokemon as they are some killed of robot! Forcing them! I hate it! Just hate it! How dare they!

Kidnapper:'' Inhuma-''

His words were cut, when he was hit by a rod. I gasped, and closed my eyes. 

Ash:'' Mis...miss..Cassidy?''

Cassidy? I have heard that name. I slowly open my eyes and see a woman holding a rod. She throws the rod and runs to Ash.

Cassidy:'' My! My! How can you get yourself stuck here master Ketchem?''

She is...

Cassidy:'' There!''

She unties Ash. She looks towards me. 

Cassidy:'' You there! Untie by yourself.''

She throws the knife. I struggle to cut the rope and at last, I cut it. We both looked at each other.

Cassidy:'' Let's get out of here.''

Ash left the place while Cassidy stopped me midway.

Cassidy:'' I think you forgot something.''

Misty:'' I did.?''

She glared at me.

Woman:'' How can still be alive?!''

Misty:'' Ha! You expected me to die afterall.''

Cassidy:'' Why not? You are nothing but piece of trash! You forgot? Stay away from Ash.''

I clenched my fist.

Misty:'' Tell me one think first!''

Cassidy:'' What?''

Misty:'' Is that man still alive?''

Cassidy:'' Why do you care?''

So..He is.....Paul was.....not lying.

Cassidy:'' I don't know what was your purpose of asking that stupid question! But, remeber 1 thing. Stay away from Ash.''

Misty:'' Were they his orders?''

She kept silent and a smirk formed on her lips.

Cassidy:'' I don't really like hurting people. But...If you insist.''

Misty:'' I....''

There was a long pause. She tricked me.

Misty:'''will make sure to never see him again.''

Cassidy:'' That's for the best! Hope I never see that ugly face of yours again! Hump.''

With that she left. I stood there. My heart was hurt. Hurt to an extinct I cannot explain. Its nothing hard though. All I have to do is stay away from Ash! Yes, nothing more nothing less. I am not ready to lose anyone else. 

But, no matter how much I keep distance from him... He always, always, always, stands right there next to me. 

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