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Dawn's POV,

I leaned on the wall, my head hurts so much. I can merely see something. 

May:'' Dawn?''

Dawn:'' Ah! May, I am fine, I think I will visit the nurse.'''

May:'' I should come with you.''

Dawn:'' No! Because of me you will not be able to go with Drew, I cannot let that happen. Don't worry about me.'''

May:'' But, will you be okay on your own?''

I guess... I nodded.

May:'' Call me, if anything happens!''

May left. I would have hold her back for sure, but today she was going out with Drew. It is rare for Drew to ask her out. Ugh! I should go to the nurse. I opened the infirmary door and the nurse looked up from the computer.

Nurse:'' You ok?''

She ran up to me.

Dawn:'' I don't feel well.''

She touched my forehead.

Nurse:'' My god! You are running a high fever. Quick! Lie down on the bed.''

Nurse gave me medicine and left the room as she went to get more medicines.

 Dawn:'' My cold is becoming worst every second. I bet Misty noticed it. My god. She didn't say anything. Does she hate me?''

Why will she hate me? No. She must have her reasons. I shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Paul:'' Is it really the time to think about those things?''

I looked towards the door.

Dawn:'' Paul...?''

Paul:'' You seem to surprised. Why? Can't I be here?''

Why is he here? I tried to get up but was going to fall off the bed, when he caught me.

Paul:'' You shouldn't force yourself.''

I am in Paul's arms?!!! I blushed and swiftly pushed him away. 

Paul:'' Why are you cheeks red?''

Dawn:'' Its...ITS because of the fever. Haha!''

Paul:'' I never heard anyone have their cheeks red when they fall ill.''

Dawn:'' THATS NOT TRUE! I-''

Paul:'' Relax! Don't get hyped up.''

He took a chair and sat beside the bed. Is he here because he found I was ill?

Paul:'' Why are you so reckless?''

Dawn:'' Huh?''

Paul:'' Because of your recklessness you make other people worried.''

Other people? Was there anyone else other than May and Misty who knew I was ill? May will not tell Paul was it....

Dawn:'' Were you worried?''

He instantly broke our eye contact.

Paul:'' Why? Am I not allowed to?''

My heart started to beat fast. This guy here......IS WORRIED ABOUT ME? I most have lost my mind, I am probably imagining things.

Dawn:'' I-''

Paul:'' Why is no one with you? Why are you alone?!''

Dawn:'' No one else knows, Plus! I don't wanna bother others.''

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