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We got off the plane.

Dawn:'' So, this is Kanto region?''


May:'' I would have really loved to look around and meet different pokemons.''

Drew:'' But, something more important we have to do.''

May sighed in disappointment.

Misty:'' Actually, you guys needn't be involved in this...so, you can look around the place.''

Dawn:'' No! We cannot leave you alone.''

But..in reality I am not putting any of you in danger....

Paul:'' Its been a tiring day, we should head to pokemon center and relax.''

We headed to pokemon center and had lunch.

May:'' But..I don't understand..why would someone kidnap Ash?''

Yellow:'' Something is really suspicious about it.''

Misty:'' Lets not talk about this, for now....''

Gary:'' You don't need to worry about Ash, he will be fine.''

I whispered..

Misty:'' But...what did she mean by, it was the last time I see him..''

Paul:'' You shouldn't think about something much, cause in the end the thoughts end up having a different meaning..''

Gary:'' Paul is right...don't stress yourself about it..''

I got up from the seat.

Misty:'' Excuse me, I have someone to call.''

Leaf:'' Sure! Go ahead.''

I took out my phone and called Brock.

Brock:'' Hello..?''

I heard the breaking of utensil as soon as he picked up the phone.

Misty:'' Is something wrong?''

Brock:'' Sorry about that...yeh? What's the matter?''

Misty:'' Um...You remember Ash?''

Brock:'' That boy, you talked about earlier, ya..what about him?''

I kept a hand on my phone whispering.

Misty:'' He has been kidnapped.''

Brock:'' WHAT!?''

Misty:'' Hm. I was afraid something would happen so I came back to Kanto.''

Brock:'' Does anyone know?''

Misty:'' Actually, I am not alone..I have some friends, but some don't know about the real situation, I need your help.''

Brock:'' Help?''

Misty:'' You said you spotted the Professor few days ago..so..Can you ask Officer Jenny to track down his location?''

Brock:'' I am afraid....but...that couldn't happen, cause there are no cctv cameras in the area where he disappeared.''

Misty:'' What!''

Brock:'' I am sorry...''

Misty:'' Fine! Then please do one thing!''

Brock:'' Hm?''

I ended the call after I requested him something. Hope it will come in handy.

Gary:'' Who did you contact?''

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