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I ran inside the building and searched every corner and finally found Ursula who was standing beside the vending machine, I went up to her and tapped on her shoulder.

Ursula:'' What do you want?''

Misty:'' There is something I wanna talk about.''

Ursula:'' Talk?''

Misty:'' Was it really you? Who clicked and uploaded the pictures.''

Ursula:'' Will you let me off if I answer it.?''

Misty:'' Stop talking nonsense and answer my question! Was it you or not?''

Ursula crushed the can that was in her hands and threw it in the dustbin.

Ursula:'' So what if I was the one to do all that?''

Misty:'' Tell me! I know you won't get anything from posting all those, who was the one behind it?''

Urusla:'' Why are you so curious!?''

Misty:'' Ursula! Did anyone ask you to click my pictures?''

Ursula:'' You are asking like your life depends on it..''

Misty:'' YES!! MY LIFE DOES!''

Ursula moved a step back in fear.

Ursula:'' It....was Serena.''

SERENA?!! NO! NO!! I don't wanna believe it...wait! why her?

Misty:'''Why...would she ask you for that?''

Ursula:'' Lat year Serena found out that I was the one who secretly posted the news on school news.. She promised to not tell anyone if I do as she says. Serena wasn't bad though she rarely asked for favors to be honest, but being Ash's girlfriend earlier this year her reputation was ruined students would bad mouth her behind her back... When..you started to get close to Ash, Serena seemed worried...so she told me to post your pictures with other guys in order for Ash to stay away from you.''

Bad mouth behind her back? But, wasn't she the queen? She never complained? Now I get it why she used to hang around alone in the rooftop every evening...was she alone? All this time? But that doesn't change the fact she did this!

Misty:'' Did Serena tell you to send me her picture with Ash when I was gone?''

Ursula gulped..

Ursula:'' No. That day a man came to me telling me to make a news about those two. He told me to send one picture to you personally, Although after I sent that picture to you, if was accidently deleted so I wasn't able to post it on school news.''

Misty:'' A man? who?''

Ursula:'' I have no idea...he just called.''

A man called?

Misty:'' He didn't tell you his name?''

Ursula:'' No. But..when I asked who he was he said you know him..''

Misty:'' Me?!''

Ursula:'' And said..that fear and crying is a person's weakness, and the more he hear a person's suffering it makes him feel better. When he said those words it gave me goosebumps.''

Person's  suffering makes him happy? That person... My eyes widened. The man in cloak. GIOVANNI? 

Ursula:'' I have nothing else to say..''

Misty:'' Thanks for telling me...and remember not to tell Serena about our conversation.''

I turned around.. My hands started to feel cold. Just hearing those words makes me this way.. I don't wanna go through that again.

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