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Misty's POV,

I lied down on my bed. Ash really remember everything? Ugh! Its 11pm at night and I still cannot falll asleep. Plus...


Dawn threw a pillow at May.

May:'' Hey! Can't you see! I am applying face mask!''

Dawn:'' AGH!''

Dawn buried her face into the blanket. She is angry. There was a knock on the door.

May:'' So late at night?!''

Dawn:'' IS IT A GHOST?''

May:'' Misty open the door will ya?''

Dawn:'' Yea!''

Misty:'' Why me?''

May:'' Dawn is affraid and I have face mask on my face..''

Dawn:''HEY! Who said I am afaird? I just am too lazy to get up. Okay?''

I sighed. These two will never stop fighting. I reached the doornob and opened the door.


I got slapped on the face.


Leaf:''You lied!''


Misty:'' Why did you?''

Leaf:''WHAT IS THIS?!''

Leaf showed me her phone. It was the school news. No way! My eyes widened. WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE IS THIS?! I saw my picture with Gary and the headline was..' New transfer student, The queen is dating Gary.'

Misty:''That's a lie! I never-''

Leaf:''Shut up!''

I went silent.

Leaf:''Lets forget about all this for a second! Just tell me is this photo real? Were you with him?!''

I looked down..

Misty:'' Look!-''

Leaf:'' YES OR NO!''

I looked into to her eyes.

Misty:'' Yes. I was.''

Tears started to form in her eyes.

Misty:'' But this is not what you think it is! Calm down and let me explain!''

Leaf:'' There is no need of explanation. What exactly do you think of yourself huh?''

I stepped back, she approached me.

Dawn:'' Blue! It must be a mistake!''

Leaf:'' I warn you guys don't be fooled by her kindness and looks! Let I was. She stole Red from Yellow. Gary from me. Trying Ash from Serena. And next it will be Drew and Paul!''

May:'' That's enough nonsense you said!''

Misty:''No! She is probably right. I am just a girl who steals boys from other girl. I am that. Plus I have no evidence to prove my innocence so be it.''

I gave a fake laugh.

Misty:'' You are right blue!''

Tear fell from my eyes. I walked past her out of the room. I lied. I lied. Why? When I was not wrong I still lied. It was not my mistake, then also I lied!

I fell on the ground crying. Someone patted on my head.

Gary:'' calm down.''

I was crying and rubbing her eyes.


Gary:''Its okay.''

He took me into embrace. And rubbed my back. I couldn't stop crying.

Gary:'' Even if you forgive Leaf, I will never forgive her for the slap.''


Gary:'' I saw everything. I am sorry I should have stopped her then. I cannot become a good friend not now not even years back.''

After sometime it was morning. 

Gary:'' Its not your fault. If you want I can-''

Misty:'' Don't say or do anything. Just give me some time alone.''

Gary:'' But-''

Misty:'' Please.''

Gary didn't say anything further and left. I got up and decided to skip the classes the next day. I didn't even return to the dorm. I just went there where I always feel safe and calm. The rooftop. It was raining. Serena was right. It will rain and I cannot see those stars. I slowly closed my eyes. 

I opened my eyes and saw a palm i front of my face. My head was on someone's shoulder. 

Red:'' I tried my best so that the light cannot reach you. But, you woke up.''



He smiled at me.

Misty:'' Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in your class?!''

Red:'' Luckily I saw you here all alone, in the chilled night. I thought to accompany you.''


I stretched my hands. 

Misty:'' I am no ready to face anyone.''

Red:'' Because of that rumor?''

I nodded. Red sighed.

Red:'' I cannot believe how can someone be so stupid to believe that news.

I saw Ash enter the rooftop with a book in his hands.

Ash:'' Oh! What a talent of dating two guys at the same time!''

Misty:'' Ash you also..''

Ash:'' You dating Gary its all over school news.''

Red:'' Know your limits Ash.''

My eyes were burning. I didn't even wash my face, It were red from crying so much.

Misty:'' I thought you to be the last person to say that. Ash.''

Ash looked at me.

Red:'' She is a friend. How can you talk in that way!''

Ash:'' Friend? I don't has scumbag as my friends! I mistook you to be a girl who came into my dreams. I take back my friendship.''

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