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Misty's POV,

Misty:'' Huh? Curious about me?''

Ash corrected his posture.

Ash:'' Well.. If you know what I want. Then why don't you go ahead and tell me everything about yourself!''

Misty:'' Wait! Who are you? Why should I tell you?''

I couldn't just tell him. Why is he asking me that?

Ash:'' Is there a problem?''

Misty:'' Yes! You cannot just ask anyone about his/her life! Its so weird!''

Ash:'' You will be weird for me, whether you tell me or not.''

I became nervous. I looked for an excuse to get out of there.

Misty:'' Oh! Look at the time! Its time to go! Better not be late!''

Ash stood up.

Ash:'' Wait! But there is still 10 minutes!''

Without replying to him I ran out of there. So embarrassing 


Me and Iris were walking to the police station. Daisy was going to be discharged today. We were silent all the way. 

Iris:'' Um...Actually..''

Misty:'' Hm?''

Iris:'' I am no more friends with Ursula.''

Misty:'' Really?''

My face lighted up a bit.

Iris:'' She is good friends with Serena.''


Iris:'' I kind of noticed that since I am no more friends with Ursula. People are being nice to me. Earlier I used to think that the people are so arrogant not to talk to me. But now I understand.''

Misty:'' Good for you.''

Phew. At least there is no tension between us.

Misty:'' Lets be normal friends.''

Iris:'' Really? You don't mind?''

Misty:'' Of course not.''

Iris hugged me. Um..She got to excited. And with that we reached the station.

Daisy came out stretching her hands when she saw Iris she turned towards me folding her hands and her head tilted in confusion.

Daisy:'' Did you beat her up?''

What the hell? Is that the first thing that comes to her mind??

Misty:'' Why would I beat her up?''

Daisy:'' Why is she here then?''

Misty:'' You are unbelievable.''

Daisy:'' You are suspicious!''

I sigh.

Iris:'' No. I am here to apologize.''

Daisy:'' Apologize?''

Iris:'' For-''

Daisy:'' There is no reason for me to forgive you! You insulted my sister in front of all the school. You embarrassed her. And now you cam her to apologize? Ha! Don't make me laugh. I know people like you. You think once I forgive you, I will forget about this incident? You humiliated me and my sister. You think so highly of yourself!!''

Misty:'' Daisy! Lets talk this out.''

Daisy closed her eyes and turned around to leave.

Daisy:'' There is no need to talk anymore. I'll text you the name and room number of the hotel I am staying in.''

She left..

Misty:'' Iris I-''

Iris:'' Its okay. I deserve this.. I'll see you later. Bye.''

Oh man. Daisy is right. But, somewhere I feel that Iris feels guilty about her self. I kept my hand on the back of my head. Guess it is what it is. I heard a buzz on my phone.

Misty:'' Oh the address. Well she could have taken me with her.'

I reached the hotel. It was huge. How did she afford to stay in here? I went inside the hotel and...the room number should be on the 8th floor. I pressed the 8th floor button. I got the lift, and spotted a familiar black hair boy. Don't tell me.... I clenched my fist. And tried to walk past him without being noticed. But my luck always leave me and yes! He noticed me. Ash kept his hand in front of me. Damn you my LUCK!

Ash:'' Are you ignoring me?''

I waved her hands looking up.

Misty:'' Of...course not!''

Ash:'' Then why did you leave yesterday?''

I was going to speak when I spotted Daisy right behind Ash.

Daisy:'' Why? Why is he here?''

Ash turned around and their eyes met. Daisy became furious. She was going to grab Ash's collar when I came between them.

Misty:'' Daisy! WAIT!''

Daisy:'' Why are you protecting this bit-''

Misty:'' Daisy! No swearing!''

Ash:'' Wait what?!''

Misty:'' I got this. Don't say anything!''

Ash:'' Wait! I am a guy! And I don't need to be protected by a girl!''

Ash came in front. No ash! You don't understand the situation.

Daisy:'' You have the guts to show up after all that! YOU HAVE NO SHAME?!!''

Ash:'' But, Miss I don't know you!''

Daisy:'' Oh? Now you are saying you have no memories!? You think of me as stupid!''


I was on the urge of crying. Daisy loved Ash so much when we were small. But, after our parents death she really hate him. 

Daisy:'' Misty...''

Her voice softened. Ash holded both of my shoulders.

Ash:'' Hey! Why are you crying?''

Daisy:'' Why do you care?''

Ash's grip slowly loosened. 

Ash:'' Yea...True...Why will I care...''

He stepped back.

Misty:'' Daisy..''

Daisy:'' Hm?''

Misty:'' I am going back to the dorm.''

Daisy:'' Huh? But!''

Misty:'' I will come some other time.''

Ash:'' Let's head back together if you don't mind.''

I nodded. We hired a cab. 

Ash:'' Is she your friend or something?''

Misty:'' She was my sister.''

Ash:'' She seems to know me... Misty have you been lying to me about something?''

Misty:'' Lying? Me? Haha! Why will I?''

Just Great Daisy! You made it harder for me to talk to Ash.

Ash:'' Then why-''

Ash's line was cut when the car suddenly turned towards the right. I hitted my head on the door.

Ash:'' Ugh!''

Misty:'' OW!''

The car suddenly stopped. Driver sprayed something inside the car. I saw Ash trying to open the door.

Driver:'' Kids these days are so naive. Hehe.''

I saw a grin on driver's face before I passed out.

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