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Misty's POV,

I was in the dorm folding my dress that I wore during the contest. 

May:'' Battle between Ash and Red. Battle of the year!!''

Dawn:'' I can't wait for the match.''

May:'' Misty? You look sad!''

Misty:'' Hm? No, I'm good.''

Dawn:'' I'm gonna support Red! Ash has changed he is became rude, and Red is the total opposite.''

May:'' We agree that Red doesn't talk much but he is a nice guy.. whereas Ash..''

Misty:'' What exactly happened?''

Dawn:'' What?''

Misty:'' I mean what happened to Ash that he changed so much?''

May:'' As far as I remember when I met him he used to hang out with Drew and Paul.''

Dawn:'' When I joined the school I used to get bullied, that time Paul and Ash helped me out, and Ash was the first one to give a hand of friendship towards me.''

May:'' He was warm hearted until..''

Misty:'' Until?!"

Dawn:'' Until he started hanging out with Serena, his personality turned around.''

Serena...huh? Who exactly is she? 

May:'' Ah! Lets not get into this. The match is tomorrow, Good Night''

Dawn:'' Good Night.''

Misty:'' Night!''


The crowd was huge around the place, guess these two are super famous here. Ash and Red enter the arena. Both have serious expressions on their faces. 


Red:'' I choose you Charizard!''

Ash:'' Grininja come on out!''

They choose exactly the perfect pokemons against each other. 

Ash:'' We got this grininja!''

I noticed a strange thing, When Ash raised his fist the same time Grininja did it. Is it some kind of bond?

Serena:'' Hey!''

Misty:'' Serena?''

Serena:'' So he choose Grininja, Hope the match goes without any problem.''

Misty:'' What do you mean?''

Serena looked at me and looked back at the ground.

Serena:'' Nevermind.''

There is definitely something which she is hiding and which I don't know. 

Red:'' Charizard use flame thrower!''

With that Red makes the first move and the match begins. Grininja escapes from the attack and makes his first move. The battle was fierce. My eyes won't move from Ash. He is starting to get nervous but keeping it up.

Serena:'' He is reaching the limit.''

LIMIT?! I saw Ash was clenching is fist, it was like he was enduring something.. Wait a second!


Misty started to know that there was something wrong with Ash.

Misty:'' Why is he touching his body where grininja is being attacked.''

She whispered. A blow of fire hit Grininja and Ash fell on his one knee. The whole place was quite...when....

Misty:'' ASHH!!!''

Misty stood up and screamed all the people started looking at her. It was like her voice cannot reach Ash. This was bad! She ran towards the stairs.

Red:'' You are losing anyway. Stop it you can't battle any longer.''


He felt something inside, he started to swing from one side to other. Misty entered the ground. Ash was falling back when Misty caught him at the right time. No able to handle his weight, Misty fell on her knees and Ash on her lap.

Misty:'' ASH! ASH! LOOK AT ME.''

Ash's vision started to get blur. He say Misty's face, then a face of a small girl with orange hair appeared in front of him. A memory...

Small orange hair girl:'' Ash I told you, you will get hurt!''

Then he saw Misty again. Surprisingly these were alike.  After that Ash went unconscious. 

Misty:'' NURSE JOY!''

Announcer:'''THATS...TH..THE END! RED WINS!''

Serena was in shock what just happened she should have been the one in the place of Misty. She should have shouted his name. She should have....Serena clenced her fist and left the arena.

Dawn:'' Did Misty just?''

Paul:'' I don't know. But Red won.''

Red just stood there like a stone. His hairs were on his eyes so no one could read his expression.

Red:'' Return Charizard.''

He kept the pokeball. And looked towards the direction of Ash and Misty. Why him?! What exactly is he to you?

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