Chapter one | The note

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Mal's pov.

My life... was not a good one. I'm not writing this note to apologize to the family, or clear my name. I don't care about them. I'm writing this letter to explain why I did it, and why I'm proud of it. I grew up in an abusive household. My father was a drunk who would beat me regularly, and my mother was never around. She left after she attacked me with a knife. Me and my mother prior to that had a great relationship. Whenever my father would come home drunk, he would come at me, belt in hand. My mother would protect me. But his abuse did something in her brain that caused her to think that I was going to be like him. She attacked me with a knife, slashing into my face. I guess she either felt guilt of almost killing her own child, or pure hatred of me, and left. I still don't know where she went, and I don't care. She abandoned me defenseless with that monster. She was dead to me. Unfortunately, school was never rainbows and sunshine, either. It was like a war zone. The slash marks on my face were only useful in attracting bullies and assholes, like the one I did in. The main bully, Bryce was a real son of a bitch, always bringing his mother if you attempted to fight back. His mother was the principal and would suspend you if you got physical. Bryce was a real dumbass, too. He would get C's and D's, but always acted like he was the shit. I guess being captain if the schools football team gave him an ego. The first day I gwent to school, I was dubbed 'Scarface' by the other kids, and even some of the teachers. I drifted through classes relatively easily, though. I guess I'm a smart kid, huh? There was one student that I was kind of friends with. Her name was Lora. We met in 7th grade, and she was the only person ever to show me kindness, besides my mother. We were friends for a long time, and I even started feeling special feelings for her, which she reciprocated. We started dating in tenth grade, and it lasted a year. She was my first love, kiss, and time. It was... cut short, when Bryce threw a party. She went and hooked up with Bryce. He sent me a video of them in bed, getting it on. When I confronted her, she laughed in my face, saying that the past year we spent dating was all an act. She never loved me, she never even cared. She was only pretending. After that, I probably became an emotionless shell. I didn't care about myself anymore. The world had abandoned me, leaving me alone with no one. I was a reject. The torment never stopped. I started having dreams about killing everyone. Going on a massacre, killing everyone I saw. I had fun in those dreams, pulling out the vital organs of Bryce, and decorating the room with them. Watching him bleed out. I would always wake up, smiling. I guess that's when a new girl came to school. She... was a very pretty girl. Her name was Jane. She was very pale. Her eyes were a deep black, and she wore a black dress everywhere I saw her. I never got to know her, but I would go so far as to call her a friend. We were paired together in every project. She almost never spoke, and only ever smiled once. I was walking in the hall, when Bryce and Lora were making out. They made sure I saw, but I didn't care. I guess they got mad. At lunch, Bryce grabbed me by my neck, and slammed my face into the table. I don't remember much. I saw red, and then I saw Bryce. What was left of him, at least. His face had caved in, and blood was everywhere, and even grey mush, which I assumed to be his brain matter. I was on top of him, my fists covered in the thick crimson liquid. Nobody spoke. Everyone just stood. Some even puked. I was laughing. It felt amazing looking down at him, his lifeless body just slumped on the ground. I was grabbed by a few teachers, and dragged out into the hall. One of them let go to check on Bryce, and I tore out of their grip. I ran across the road and into the woods. I ran for what felt like hours, and now I'm here. I don't care about much anymore. I don't feel sorry, either. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'd even go after his mother, for raising a little shit like him, but I'm probably going to be caught soon. I'm not and will never be sorry. I guess I'm writing this note for myself, too. Thinking made me realize that I'm not the monster in all of this. Even though I brutally murdered my classmate, I am not a monster. Then again, I'm not like anything else in the world. Not that I know of, at least. Maybe I'll die in these woods. Take a swim in the river and not come up for air, find a high place and jump down, head first. Maybe I'll wait for hypothermia to set in. I only know one thing. I was abandoned, and this was the consequence.

I pin the letter to a tree, and brush the fresh fallen snow off of a log. I sit down and wait.

"Mal." I heard a familiar voice said behind me. I look and see Jane. She was standing next to the tree, reading the letter.

"Woah... what are you doing here?" I ask, almost falling off if the log.

"I was... sent to retrieve you" She said, looking away from the note.

She was only wearing a dress. No coat. She seemed unfazed. She walked over, sitting next to me.

"Aren't you... I don't know... like... sc-" she grabbed me, pulling my head into her lap.

I could not move.

"Shhh. Rest. This... may sting a little" she said, before a sharp pain pierced my neck. I couldn't move, only feel a needle inject something into my blood stream.

After a few seconds, I pass out

(I really hope you guys like this book)

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