Chapter three | The faceless woman

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Slenda's pov.

Nurse Ann stands up after sowing his leg wound and turns to me.

"What is the matter?" I ask in a worried tone.

"He seems to be doing well. His laceration was deep, but there was little damage. I'm surprised it didn't rupture." The nurse says, taking out some bandages from her medical bag, and placing them on the bedside table.

She digs into her bag some more and sets down a bottle of pills.

"These are for the pain. No doubt he will have a very painful headache." She said, looking back up at me.

"It took a lot to knock him out. He is a strong one." I say, looking down at him.

"No doubt about that." The nurse added, grabbing her items and leaving the room.

It was now just me and him. Inspecting his facial features, I look at the long scar over his left eye. The more I look at the boy, the more damage I see. His chest and arms were covered in bruises and cuts. Scars and gross yellow and purple marks that littered his torso. It was horrible to look at. Thinking of what he had endured through the years. It made me feel angry. It made me want to rip apart the people who wronged him, but that isn't for me to do. That is for him. Me and the rest will be his mentor, teaching him how to kill, where to strike, everything. We will wait until he's awake and healed to do that, though.

"I'll be right back my dear, I'm going to make you something to eat" I say leaving the room.

Mal's pov.

The first thing I notice is the creak of an old door being shut. I sit up and look around. Nothing seems familiar to me. Next thing I know, my mind is flooded with pain. Pain That reminded me of home. I clench my head and grunt loudly, trying to endure the pain, but ultimately failing.

"What the... Fuck?" I say, looking around the room.

My head was still blasting with hot searing pain. I feel like I'm on the verge of tears, when I hear the door open. I can barely see without the pain intensifying so my eyes are closed. I hear footsteps coming towards me, and I feel someone force a small object into my mouth. It tastes sour and bitter, but dissolves before I could spit it out. The bad taste floods my mouth and down my throat. It makes gag, but soon after the pain almost completely vanishes. A small but tolerable amount still lingers.

"What the fuck?" I ask, looking around the room.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn and look at it. A pale hand with black nail polish. Looking further down the arm, I see Jane. I hug her immediately.

"I am glad to see you passed the test and are alright, Maliki." She says reciprocating the hug.

She pulled away, and just looked at my face.

"What are you doing?" I ask, confused.

"I am admiring your face. You are very handsome. You know?" She said looking into my eyes.

It made me blush a little.

"You are blushing. Could it be that you find me... pretty?" She says inching closer to me.

The door opens and she retreats back away, looking down at the floor. I look over at the door and see a tall, faceless woman is standing in the doorway.

"Ah, you are awake." She somehow says.

"Who are you?" I ask the tall woman.

"My name is Slenda. I've heard so much about you." She says walking into a room.

She is holding a large plate.

"I prepared this meal for when you wake up. I hope you do not have any food allergies, and I hope you enjoy it." She says placing the plate on the bedside table.

It's a plate with 3 different types of food. A large steak, a pile of broccoli, and some mashed potatoes. All of them were steaming. It made my mouth water.

"Is something wrong?" Jane asked.

"No, no. I'm... just confused. Is this... all for me?" I ask, not taking my eyes off of the plate.

"Of course. Are you not used to eating this muck food? Did... did your parents starve you?" Slenda asked bending over to meet my gaze.

"Yeah, kinda. My mom left when I was young so just my dad." I say grabbing the fork.

"I see. Worry not, dear. You will have your revenge. Come Jane. We have important things to discuss." She adds pulling Jane onto her feet.

The two leave the room, and I start to eat the food. It tastes absolutely amazing.

Janes pov.

Slenda pulls me into the hallway.

"Is something wrong?" I ask looking up at her.

"No. Nothing is wrong. I just have a question for you." She says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Ask away." I say looking to the door we just closed.

"Would you please take Maliki out hunting? I need to prepare his room... unless you want him to sleep in your room." She says, making me blush.

"What?" I ask surprised.

"Would you like him to sleep in your bed with you tonight?" She repeated.

"I... well... of course." I say, stammering.

"Good. Once he is finished with his meal, I would like for you to take him hunting." Slenda said walking away.

I got giddy. I've never felt so happy. The first man ever in our mansion and he was going to be cuddled up next to me all night long. The others are going to be so jealous, too. It fills me with delight. Just thinking of him makes me feel warm. Like a blanket of happiness. He's all mine. At least for the night.

"I... need to see him again." I say to myself as I enter the room.

He's still eating the meal, but it's mostly gone by now. He looks up and smiles. He's so fucking handsome I need to have him. I need him.

(Oh, if you didn't read Jane's description, she is a yandere. So is Nurse Ann.)

That's the end of this chapter. Be cool, Imma work on the next one now :P

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