Chapter fourteen | Confusing times

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Maliki's pov.

Stepping into the bathroom, I strip my clothes off and walk towards the shower, when something catches my eye. My reflection. I inspected the man before me, standing where I stood. It wasn't me... was it? I touched my face and hair, inspecting the changes.

My body was more muscular and my jawbone was more defined. My hair color... was gone. Replaced with a snow white color. I opened my mouth and saw two sharp fangs where my canine teeth were.

Thinking it was a trick, I shut the lights off. In the mirror, I saw a pair of sharp glowing white eyes staring back at me. Flicking the lights back on, I realize that those eyes were mine.

"What the hell?" I asked, before remembering the strange dream I had last night.

I gulped and shook my head, before stepping into the shower and tuning it on.

Finding the correct temperature was a chore. I felt the heat and the cold of the water, but they all felt... different. I didn't feel the hot pain or the chill of the water. It was odd. It was like the temperature didn't effect me. I hurried to clean myself, and washed the new body I was in, before leaping out and sliding the clean clothes on and rushing to find Slenda. She'd know what to do.

"Good m- oh my..." I heard, passing Benny.

I walked up to Slenda's door and knocked on it, trying to get her to open the door, but the smell of breakfast told me where she was. I rushed down the stairs and into the view of the table.

"Slenda!" I shouted, tearing her attention from whatever else she was talking about, and also turning everyone's attention to me.

They stared in awe in... awe? Or confusion.

"What is it, dear?" Slenda asked.

"Do I... look different?" I ask.

"Of course. More muscular, white hair, fangs, the works. Come, sit. Let me explain your situation." Slenda said, as the chair next to her slid away from the table.

I sheepishly walked to the chair and sat in it, pulling it close to the table.

"What happened last night? What did you see?" She asked, her voice coming from inside my head.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I was hushed by her voice.

"Just think it, dear. This is a personal matter, yes?" She asked.

I thought for a second, before responding in my own thoughts.

"I... saw myself... as a kid... situations played out as I remembered them. My first abusive encounter with my father, my realization that my mother didn't love me and the... when she left." I thought, responding to Slenda in my head.

She nodded and grabbed my hand.

"You're safe now, honey. No one can harm you here. I promise." She said, her voice still echoing in my mind.

"Dig in." She said, in her normal voice as she piled breakfast food onto the plate in front of me.

I looked at everyone else, who was staring at me.

"Woah... Can I... Can I touch your face?" Ann asked, not even waiting for an answer before grabbing my head and inspecting my face.

"Stop that!" Slenda shouted, slapping Ann's hands away from my face.

"Maliki is in a very confusing situation at the moment." Slenda added, patting me on the head.

The girls all looked guilty and started eating. I did the same, still very confused on what the hell was going on. After breakfast, Slenda took me for a walk around the mansion.

"So you felt what happened. I see. Where were you hurt?" She asked, resting her hand on my shoulder.

"My back... my neck and my face... that's all I can remember." I say, looking back up at her.

"I see. Well, this is an odd predicament we have ourselves. I guess... this will be a good step for us here. You won't be recognized and shot at again... and you do not appear ugly, if that's what you think. I think you look more handsome, actually." Slenda said, making me blush.

"I... thank you." I said, looking up at her.

She hugged me, pulling my face into her breasts.

"I have... received news that you have found something of use to find your mother, yes?" She asked, flowing her fingers through my hair.

"O-oh. Yeah. Jane ha-

"I have it now, dear. A photo of your mother and a man, holding a baby. The baby is not you, of course. The man in the photo is named Gerald Richards. He is 37 years of age and an experienced police officer for the LAPD in Las Angeles California. The child is Tyler Richards, and he is now almost 13 years of age. His birthday is within a few days. I believe that is when you should drop in... besides... I've been feeling something in the Las Angeles area... the same feeling I felt when you were first being stalked and indoctrinated into my family. Would you... would you help me on this mission? We can finish your own before the start, if you wish." Slenda asks of me.

"Of course. You've... done so much for me in the last few months... anything you need me to do I'll... do it in a heartbeat." I replied.

Slenda rests her hand on my shoulder and lets out a sigh.

"Those words... they mean more than you think, my dear boy." Slenda says before walking up to the mansion.

"So... what's next?" I ask.

"We go to LA and find your mother." Slenda says as she walks off.

She turns to me.

"Come on. We have much to discuss."
Slenda said, beckoning me to follow her.

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