Chapter six | A Hunt For Myself

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Mal's pov.

I got my own room now, but that hasn't stopped Jane from visiting, or even crawling into my bed in the middle of the night. I don't mind, as it can get cold in the mansion. I like playing video games with Benny or watching horror movies with Jess and Liu. I like to watch Nurse Ann dissect her victims. I like hanging out with LJ and Eyeless Jackie. I like being around Slenda. She has a nice aura. She also has a nice ass and body, but I'll never tell her directly to her face.

But right now, I'm in the city, proving myself to them. No one said anything provocative, nor did they do anything to make me think I wasn't good enough to live with them, I just wanted to give them a big surprise. The surprise proof that I can do things myself. Jane and Jess have been texting me, asking me where I've been, but I don't reply. They're a bit overprotective. I might not be the most proficient killer, but I'll at least try to be a killer. For now... I'll go to my father's house, and at least get revenge for the countless nights I laid awake, hoping not to hear my door open and a belt to my face. Knowing him, he wouldn't care about me going missing, when he barely cared about me at all. Then, I'll go to Bryces house, just to see if anyones there. If so, they'll get a quick death... as long as it isn't Bryces mother. That damned woman held him up with praise for whatever he did. He would bully me in front of her, and she'd do nothing. People like that shouldn't breed. I'll finally head to the other people who bullied me in school, and make them pay. Yeah... that's what I'll do.

I turn down my old street, with my hood on my head. My old house is just up ahead. It's tarnished chipping white paint coming into view.

"That old drunk is probably asleep on the couch." I say, tapping my pockets and feeling a pocket knife I stole from Arlin's house.

I continue onward, taking advantage of the night and hiding whenever I see headlights. I finally make it to the house and creep in through the front door. The house is trashed. Newspaper and garbage littered the floor. The smell was awful. Beer and cigarette smoke flowed through the air. I heard his snoring from inside the living room, and I knew he was asleep on the couch. I treaded through the sea of junk and pulled out my knife. I stood over him. It felt amazing. I dug the knife deep into his neck. And ripped it up. Blood spilled everywhere, but I was very prepared. I had more clothes upstairs. I cleaned the knife off in the kitchen sink, pulling small bits of flesh from the serrated part, and when that was all said and done, I went upstairs to change my clothes. Clean jeans, a maroon shirt, and a green hoodie. I also grabbed a backpack, and I put more clothes inside. Things were going to get messy, and I couldn't walk around with bloody clothes. That would raise suspicion. I abandoned my old house and left, only taking the bag and knife. I walked for a while, but stopped when I heard sobbing from inside the cemetery. I went inside to explore. I followed the wails of sorrow to a grave that looked freshly dug. A woman was kneeling down and crying. It was Bryces grave stone, and the crying woman was his mother. I found her crying annoying. I wouldn't have killed Bryce is she didn't raise him to be such a dickhead. I quickly ended her. Her screams of pain echoing in my thoughts. Whatever. I barely got any blood on me, but blood sprayed onto Bryces tomb stone. I chuckled, pushing her dying body over, and seeing her plop dead in the dirt. I quickly left, and made my next move. I snuck into the houses of the kids who bullied me in school. They never stood a chance. I had to change only once. I heard sirens over by the direction of the cemetery, but I was almost done anyways. I only had one more stop left, and it was on the edge of town near the woods. This job was going to be easy. I leaped from the 2nd story window, and landed safely on a trampoline. I ran through backyards and jumped fences, avoiding being seen, until I finally made it to the final house. It was a one story house, painted red. I broke through the back door and headed inside. It was quiet. I looked around the house but I didn't find who I was looking for. The basement. I stepped in the kitchen and opened the basement stairs, before I stepped down into the darkness. I could see a tv, and four guys I recognized from school. The one on the far left was my victim. They were playing some fps game and the room smelled like pot. I stepped forward, and stabbed the one I came here for in the back of his neck. He fell limp and slumped over. His friends started laughing at him as I crept back upstairs and left the house. I ditched my blood stained hoodie and walked back to the forest. I avoided tree branches, but was caught off guard by something hitting me in the face. There was a man standing over me.

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