Chapter seven | Continuing the Mission.

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Slenda's pov.

I closed Maliki's door, and headed up the stairs to my room. On the way, I pass Laughing Jackie.

"Hiya, Slenda." LJ said to me.

"Hello." I say back.

"So tell me, whadda ya think of the new guy?" She asks, looking up at me with a smirk on her face.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Ya know. He is the only guy in the mansion, don't you feel even the slightest hint of attraction to him?" Laughing Jackie asks placing her hands on her hips.

"W-Well of course not! He's a child compared to me." I say, trying to hide my lie.

"Hah! Sure, Slenda. That blush on your face really sells it." LJ replies, before walking away.

I shake my head and step outside, making my way into my bedroom. I undress before finally lifting the blankets and laying down in my bed. I try to fall asleep, but I can't stop thinking about what Jackie asked me. Of course I'm attracted to Maliki. He's exactly my type. Short, shy, timid. I also know he likes to look at me enough to think about me. Oh, the things I'd like to do with Maliki.

"No, I have to help him find his mother." I say, forcing the lewd thoughts to the back of my mind, before I hear a quiet knock on my door.

"Hello?" I call out to the person.

"Hey, Slenda... it's me, Maliki." I hear Maliki say through the large wooden door.

"Come in." I say, sitting up.

The door opens and Maliki steps into my room, closing the door behind him.

"Is there something you need?" I ask the confused looking boy.

"Well I... Uhh... I... um..." he stammered. He was obviously nervous to ask me, but I knew what he was trying to ask.

He wanted to sleep with me. Not the lewd kind, just to cuddle and share warmth. I had no issue with this, and am quite happy he asked me out of everyone else here.

"Would you like to join me under these covers, Maliki?" I ask, lifting the blankets and patting down next to me on the bed.

He cautiously steps over, before climbing into bed with me. I pull him close to me, so he cuddles up next to me.

Mal's pov.

Her skin is soft and the way she's holding me, it's so secure. I never want to leave. Slenda's one of the nicest people I've ever met, agreeing to even help me track down that woman I called my mom years ago. Her warm embrace fills me with a feeling That's unfamiliar to me. It's a nice feeling, forcing me to hold Slenda even tighter. It doesn't take long before I fall asleep holding the tall beautiful woman.

I woke up to Slenda getting out of bed. I look and see her standing up. She had nothing on but underwear and a bra, so I turned away to give her privacy. After a few minutes, I sit up and look around. Slenda is putting her shoes on.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked in a sweet and soft tone.

"I... slept good." I answered.

"I bet. You were out within 5 minutes" slenda chuckles.

"Now, onto more important subjects. I promised you that I'd help you look for your mother, and I intend on fulfilling that promise." Slenda says to me.

I haven't forgotten, I just pushed it into the back of my mind. I don't like thinking of her.

"Y-yeah. I remember. Her name was... Dawn. She was really close with this family who lived down the road from us." I say to Slenda.

"Oh? Then let's go to this family and see if they have any idea where your moth... Dawn is." Slenda said, resting her hand on my shoulder.

The morning is over quickly. I get changed and we all eat breakfast. Me and Slenda leave around noon, and start making our way to town.

"Slenda... aren't other people going to be scared of you?" I ask the tall woman.

"Of course they will, but I have a plan for that." She says.

"Oh? What's that plan?" I ask.

"I can control if I want to be seen by others." She explained, looking down at me.

"Oh... I didn't know that." I say, scratching my arm.

We continue walking, even passing by the body of the man from last night.

"Disgusting." Slenda says looking at the man.

Eventually, we make it to the city, and head to my old street.

"Hey! You're Maliki aint ya!?" A man asks, running over to me, but before he could do anything, he drops to the ground.

"Huh... did you do that, Slenda?" I ask the tall woman who's standing behind me.

"Yes I did." Slenda says back to me.

"Thank you." I say, grabbing her hand as I continue walking.

We finally make it to the white two story house I remember my mother always went to if my dad kicked her out. I walk up the stairs and knock on the door.

"Hello?" A man asks, opening the door.

"Do you know anyone named Dawn?" I ask the man.

"Who? I don't know her." The man says trying to close the door.

I hold the door open.

"I'm her son." I say, looking at the mans face turn to fear.

"You killed all those people!" He yells, running further into the house.

Me and Slenda give chase, eventually stopping when the man pulls out a knife, and rushes me. He starts stabbing at me, but long black tentacles caught the knife, and wrapped around the mans neck. It was Slenda. After a few minutes, she let go of the man, and his body fell onto the ground.

"Are you alright Darli-

Inside the pocket of the man, a phone rang. I took his phone and looked at the Caller ID. It read Dawn. I answered the call, and put it on speaker.

"Hi hun! It's me again! What should I get Tyler for his 13th birthday?" I hear the vaguely familiar voice ask.

Tyler? It Sounds just like my mom, but who was Tyler? Slenda looks at me, and I could tell her mood. It was sorrow.

"Tyler? Who's Tyler?" I Ask.

"This isn't Micheal." The woman said.

"No... it isn't." I reply.

"Who is this?" She asks, her tone getting slightly more demanding.

"You already know who I am, and I'm coming for you." I say, waiting for her reaction.

"What kind of sick joke is this?" She asks.

"Sigh... quite a few years ago, you had a son named Maliki. You loved him and he loved you back. Soon enough, you attack him with a knife, and ran away. I'm your son. Maliki." I say, before hanging up.

I take a picture of myself and send it to her via messaging, and I toss the phone into the kitchen sink before turning it on.

"Are you alright, Maliki?" Slenda asks.

She walks over, and grabs my shoulder. I hug her, and she hugs me back.

"Let's get going, Dear." She says to me.

We leave the house and make it back home.

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