Chapter five | meeting the rest

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*Mal's pov.*

I wake up to the feeling of being watched. Jane has her back to me. I roll over and am met with a girl wearing a blue mask. She is looking down at me with her head tilted. I feel Jane roll over, and she lifts her head up to look at the masked being.

"Would you like to join us, Jackie?" Jane asked, lifting the warm blanket.

The air was cold, but the masked girl quickly climbed into the bed. She wrapped her arms around me, just as Jane did. I fell back to sleep, but was shaken awake by Jane. The sun was up, and I sat up. Jane pulled me out of bed. Jackie was gone.

"Everyone is excited to meet you. We've never had a man in the mansion before, so they might be flirtatious at first. Just stay calm and try not to get overwhelmed." Jane said, pulling me out of the room. There were two girls standing in the hallway. One was very tall and had white and black striped clothes. The other was a cute looking girl with orange goggles on. They were whispering to each other, but they noticed me and walked over.

"Maliki, Right?" The tall one asked.

"Yeah." I said, avoiding looking at her bust.

"Lovely ta meet ya!" She says, forcing me into a hug.

"The name's Jackie, but you can call me LJ." She said, letting go and flashing me a smile, before walking off into the old dark hall.

"Hi there... I'm Tami." The shorter one said, eyeing me up and down. She hides her face and walks away.

I continue following Jane until we enter a large room with a huge table in it. Many chairs are set around this table. Jackie, the masked girl is sitting down and eating what looked like dissected kidneys. I felt my sides, and to my great relief, u couldn't feel any cuts or stitching.

"Maliki." A female voice echoed from behind me.

I turned to look at who said my name, and I was greeted by a nurse. She wasn't wearing the normal nurse attire, instead it was black and red. Her body was covered in stitching, like she stitched her own body together. She was very tall. About a foot taller than me. She walked up to me, and hugged me. She smelled like dandelions, which I found odd but pleasant. Her eyes looked creepy. Pitch black with red pupils.

"My name is Ann. Are you alright? Do you still hurt?" She asked concerned.

"I'm... Fine." I answer, looking behind her and seeing a blonde girl with bleeding eyes. She was laughing with a taller girl who had brown hair. The girls face had stitching on it, as if it were sliced open.

The nurse let go, but kept looking at me as she walked away. I was spooked by the blonde girl, who instead of being a couple feet away from the nurse, but only a few inches from my face. I took a step back, but she took a step forwards.

"You're creepin him out!" The brown haired girl yelled, pulling the blonde girl away.

"Sorry about that... but now that I got a good look at'cha, I can see why she was starin. You're quite the Looker. The name's Liu. My friend here is Benny." She said gripping Bennys shoulder.

"I'm Maliki." I say, looking at the blonde haired girl, and being confused about her eyes.

"Maliki. Follow me." The tall pale woman said. I followed her into what looked to be a kitchen.

"Is... something wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing is wrong, I would just like to hear about your life." She said.

Remembering hurt my brain.

"Uh... could we maybe talk about that some other time? Maybe... somewhere else too?" I ask.

"I understand, Maliki. I apologize for putting you on the spot like that. Perhaps we could discuss this matter in my room later. For now, let's eat breakfast." She says, placing her hand on my shoulder and rubbing it gently.

*Slenda's pov*

He worries me. When he was asleep, his chest was riddled with scars. I probably should've asked him somewhere else.

"Don't be sorry. You didn't know how I'd react. There's no need to be sorry about that." He said, grabbing my wrist. "Did uh... you say breakfast?" He asks, smirking.

We get to the table. Everyone is sitting down. Maliki helps me carry the platters of food out to the table, where everyone is sitting. They look at Maliki.

"What are you looking at?" He asks.

"You" everyone says in unison.

"Uh.... Fair enough." Mal adds, placing down the platter he was carrying.

He heads back into the kitchen and gets more platters. After finally bringing out all the food, we sit down and eat. Mal sits in between me and Jane, but glares at Jess.

"What?" Jess asks.

"You know what you did." He mutters, looking back down at his plate.

"Heh. Yeah. I stabbed you in the leg. But you did get the drop on me." Jess says, pointing to the bandage right next to her eye.

"I did, didn't... Eye?" He says, looking up from his plate and smirking.

"Shut up." Jess said chuckling.

We continue eating breakfast, until the food is all gone. I took care of the dishes and Maliki cleaned the table, and when we were all done with chores, I took him around the mansion, showing him the different rooms and the basement, and eventually even the outside.

"Slenda... can I ask you something?" Mal asks.

"Of course." I say, turning to him.

"Can you... help me... find my mother?" He asks. Regret in his voice.

"Of course I can, Hun. If you need help, just ask." I say, stepping towards the boy.

(And with that, I end this chapter. I haven't posted in a while cus of school. Well, I hope you like this chapter.)


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