Chapter seventeen | The Angel

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Maliki's pov.

Walking down the boardwalk as night comes quickly, I lean against the rail and look out into the sea. I've never been to an ocean before. Believe it or not, Nebraska wasn't a coastal state, so being here was a privilege I was never used to. Tami and EJ were in the bathroom and it was just myself. I slipped some french fries into my mouth, and heard footsteps behind me. I turn to look, to check if the footsteps are coming from Tami or EJ, but instead, I see a woman with short blonde hair, a white dress, and a sword. Her eyes were beautiful, having sparkles like the night sky. Her sleeves had leather belts above her elbows and she was wearing white thigh highs. Her aura was odd. She wasn't like other normal people. She felt like she belonged in the mansion.

"Aren't you lonely? Being all alone out here instead of near the big, noisy rides?" She asks.

"I prefer to be alone." I say turning back to the water.

I loomed at the way the water danced in the moonlight.

"I've heard of you." She said from close behind me.

"What do you mean?" I ask turning around to face the girl.

"You're not like those people. You're unique." She says, walking
Next to me and staring at the water.

"That doesn't answer my question." I say in a more demanding tone.

"Who hasn't heard about you? Slenda talks about you frequently. A teenage boy who sparked an interest for killing after he smashed his bully's head in with his bare fists in the cafeteria, she said in the beginning. Now... she really speaks highly of you. She's practically smitten with you. I want to see if you really are as she thinks you are." The girl says turning to me.

No ones pov.

Maliki turned to the girl, only to be kicked and fly back 10 feet. Maliki stood up as if the kick were nothing and glare at the girl.

"Maliki Castello. I am Judge Angels, and I sentence you to trail by combat." She spat, raising her sword.

Maliki cleared his throat and raised his fists. He knew this would end with bloodshed. Maliki stood in a stance and waited, carefully inspecting her movements.

Angels ran forward and swiped downwards. Maliki dodged the attack, and retaliated. Maliki punched Angels in The stomach, and as Angels bent forward from the pain, He grabbed the back of her head with both hands and drove his knee into her face hard. Angels stumbled backwards as blood exploded from her nose.

"Stronger than I thought." She said, smiling and feeling her nose.

"If that's what you think." He replied, flicking his hair out of the way.

"But not stronger than me." Angels said, slashing at Maliki.

Blood seeped from Maliki's arm as he was cut. He gripped his arm from pain and narrowly dodged a thrust from Angel's sword.

"You seem a bit weak, my dear. Are you sure what Slenda said about you was correct? Maybe she lied and doesn't really believe in you." Angels laughed as Maliki became more and more angered.

"What's wrong little man? I thought you were big and strong and tough. Are you telling me Slenda lied about you? Maybe you aren't killer material after all. You'd think Slenda would have chosen someone better that you as a lo-

Angels was sent flying back by Maliki, who had punched Angels in The face.

"Shut up. I'm not gonna tolerate your teasing." Maliki said, ready to fuck some shit up.

"Not bad, but I could barely feel it. Maybe we should all ditch you for a stronger per-

"Shut up!" Maliki shouted, gritting his teeth.

"Oh? Did I strike a nerve? Oh ho ho, I'm gonna have some fun tonight. You might as well walk away now. We don't need weaklings in the mansion." Angels laughed, giggling at Maliki.

"Shut up. Shut up shut up!" He yelled, tears starting to drip from his eyes.

"Are you crying? Seriously? Jesus, we really do have a weakling in the mansion. Do us a favor and leave why don't you? You're already pretty useless as is..." angels laughed, before the air made her mood change.

Maliki stood ten feet away from Angels with his eyes closed, and tears running down his face. He gritted his teeth and slowly started opening his eyes, revealing all color gone. His eyes were glowing white. The aura had shifted, and Angels felt dread rise up in her body.

"H-hold on, Maliki. I Didn't actually mean any of that, ya know? I was kidd-

Angels was sent flying back once more, about 30 feet. She screamed in pain as her entire body felt as if she was crushed. She looked towards and saw Maliki slowly walking towards her. His face was wiped of all emotion and his eyes still glowed in the darkness. Angels felt terrified, especially when she saw him holding her sword.

"Shit! He's going to kill me! He's going to kill me with my own sword!" Angels thought, watching Maliki walk closer and closer, closing the gap in between the two.

She started to cry, and knew that she had lost. She looked up one final time to see Maliki drop the sword to her knees.

"You might as well walk away now. We don't need weaklings in the mansion." Maliki said before walking back to the railing.

Maliki's pov.

My legs shook with adrenaline as I recounted the events in my head. It was strange. It was as if I could hear what she thought. I will need to talk to Slenda about this to learn more, but until then, I will stand here and wait for Tami and EJ.

Tami's pov.

Walking across the wooden platform, me and EJ see Maliki lean against the rail. We also see another. Judge Angels?

"J-judge Angels?" I call out, but she stares at Maliki.

I walk over and place my hand on her shoulder, but I flinch away when I see the blood all over her.

"Are y-you o-ok?" I ask, kneeling down to her level.

"I... I challenged Maliki to a fight... and I lost." She mumbled, looking down at her blood soaked clothes.

"Can we... go home?" Maliki asks walking towards us.

"Of c-course." I say, Lifting Judge Angels up.

We started walking, and cleaned up Angel's face at a bathroom.

"How did you know my last name?" Maliki asks Angel.

"I read it in the newspaper. Here." She said, handing him a piece of paper.

Maliki's pov.

"Maliki Castello shot and killed by deputies in Lucky Springs Nebraska. The teenager turned killer was reportedly shot and killed while running into the forest with an unknown accomplice. His three month long reign of terror is finally at an end, and our hearts go out to his 82 victims and their families. State troopers are still looking for his accomplice after she fled on foot. Reportedly a tall brown haired woman with scars on her face. If you have any information about her, please call." I read.

I hand the paper back to Judge Angels, but remember the phone number.

"This is gonna be fun." I say with a smile as I begin to walk home, with the others close behind.

Angel of Chaos [Fem Creepypastas x male OC]Where stories live. Discover now