Chapter Twenty Nine | The Little Girl

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Maliki's pov.

After running from the mall, we hide in the back alleys for the time being. While back there, I take out my bow and load the arrows into the quiver, before attaching the quiver to the body of the bow via the rail. After which, I attached the shoulder strap and slid it onto my back, so the case wouldn't be so heavy. I also take off my handcuff

"So you all have any ideas on what to do next? It's only 2:36, and I don't really want to be home right now. I'm content with staying here." I say.

"Umm... I know, we can explore abandoned houses. Since it's November, it'll get dark at like 5:00 or something. All we gotta do is wait a few hours." The puppeteer says.

"What could we do until then?" I ask.

"Um... I dunno." The puppeteer says.

"Well, if you two would excuse me, I'm gonna go take a piss and think of what we can do until the sun goes down." I say walking away.

I walk further down the alley and make a turn, stepping in the space between two dumpsters and take my leak, thinking of things we can do until then. Once my business is taken care of, I look at my hands and feel disgusted at the lack of a sink and soap. Perhaps one of the girls has hand sanitizer at least? I walk back to the girls.

"Anyone have hand sanitizer?" I ask.

"I do." Kagekao says pulling it from her side bag, and putting some on my hands.

I thank her and rub my hands together, cleaning my hands of any... bacteria.

"So we're just gonna wait? Well, I have a plan. An idea, you could say, that would allow is to do whatever the fuck we want." I say.

"What's the plan?" Kagekao asks.

"We just do it." I say.

"There's no one stopping us right now." Kagekao says.

"Right? No one at all. So, if you two want to, let's do something else until it gets dark. I don't want to draw attention with my bow. And there's no way I'm puttin this beauty back in the case. It deserves to be shown to the world. Like you without your mask, Kagekao." I say.

Kagekao blushes.

"So let's go to an arcade. An ice rink. Hell, There's a pretty nice park on the outskirts of town that would be a nice resting area. Let's enjoy this day like it's the last day of our lives. It's the last day of someone's life." I say.

"You have a strange way of speaking, Maliki. Some of your sentences are so strange, I can't understand them. Other things you say are kinda inspirational." Puppeteer

"Yeah... yeah... Thank you... Hey, Something... Something's... Follow me." I say before walking out of the Alley.

After walking for a bit, we stop at a house that seems abandoned. This house used to scare me when I was younger, because one day when I was only 7, I saw a little girl in the windows, her face covered in blood. She smiled and waved, and I ran home in fear, but what was pulling me to this house? What force brought me here? I just had to see what it was like inside. I walk over to the door and turn the handle. It's locked. I'm not giving up, so I kick the door in.

The door swings open and I walk in, setting my case against the wall and smelling the stale air with a tinge of iron. I walk through the house, and see drawings on the walls in crayon. They look aged. On the center of the living room floor, a paper sits, a drawing of a man, and the name "Sally" on the bottom left corner of the page.

"Sally?" I ask, looking at it.

From the corner of my eye, I see something move. Something small. When I focus my vision, I see no one. I lift up the drawing. Who is this man? I have so many questions.

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