Ch 30

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The sun has set on the city of Tokyo and the lights of the city have come on as it's streets filled with tourists and shoppers. But that is only in the main area of Tokyo, on the outskirts towards the edge of the city is where you will find the more crime ridden area. That is where you will find the back room deals between companies, the drug deal, and the prostitution. This area is no place for the average person, he would only get himself into trouble in this part of town. The only problem is that there are still people living in this area, the pore who don't make enough to afford anywhere else to live. For this people life can be tough, barely making money at your job only to run the Rick of getting that little bit of money you have stolen while you were just walking home. If the citizens are luck all the villain takes is there money but sometimes the villain takes more. On the streets of this bad part of the city we see a middle aged woman walk down the sidewalk on her way home from work. As the woman was walking trying to get home as fast as she could she was grabbed and pulled into an alleyway by a man with a knife.

Thug: shhhhhh, don't worry girl it's all going to be fine.

The woman struggled to get free from the man but couldn't break his grip, she also tried to scream but his hand was over her mouth. Even if she could scream who would come to help her in this part of the city.

Thug: don't scream because it will all be over soon.

The thug then pulled out a knife from his back pocket and held it over his head read to stab down into the woman's chest. The woman saw this and closed her eyes out of fear. The man then went for the attack but as he did a hand reached out and grabbed the mans wrist squeezing it so tight that the man had to let go of the knife. The man was then grabbed and dragged into the pitch black alleyway away from the woman. When the woman felt the man being dragged off of her she turned to see what had happened but saw nothing do to it being to dark. However even though she didn't see anything she could hear the sound of something beating the man that was going to kill her. When the woman finally came to her senses she got up and immediately started to run home. Once the figure that saved the woman finished beating the man that tried to kill her he tied him up. After he finished tying the man up someone called out to him from the roof of one of the buildings that made up the alleyway.

???: I called the police to come pick up the guy.

The figure in the alleyway looked up to see the pro hero Miruko, as he did the figure walked into the light revealing himself to be Batman.

Miruko: since the police are coming and you seemed to make sure that he won't be waking up anytime soon I think it will be ok if we leave him here and continue on are way to the plant.

Batman: right.

Batman the pulled out his grappling gun and used it to get himself to the roof that Miruko was on and when he got up there the two of them took off running in the direction of the old ACE chemicals plant. It didn't take the two of them long to get to the old plant as it to was on the outskirts of Tokyo. When Batman and Miruko got to the plant the two of them hide out for a short time and just observed the place to make sure that they made no wrong moves that would get them killed.

Batman: there doesn't seem to be anyone guarding the place but we should quietly make are why in through the roof just to be sure as to not get seen.

Miruko: agreed, we don't know what's going to be in there so it would be best to have the element of surprise on are side.

The two heroes now have some sort of plan made there way to the side of the chemical plant, once in position Miruko began to jump from ledge to ledge makings her why to the top followed by Batman who was using his grappling gun to get up the side of the building. When the two got to the top of the building they used the industrial sized air duct that the factory had to get inside and make there way through the building. When the two got close to the main area of the building they dropped from the air duct into the room. Once in the room the to began there search training to find anything but they could. Batman was also hoping to find someone here in the building so that he could take him down. As the two were searching they began to hear what sounded like talking.

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