Ch 22

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As all the students of class 1A said there goodbyes and headed for the train station to go do there internships, Izuku went to the support department because he was going to take his bike to Miruko's agency plus he needed to pick up his new hero suit. Mei just finished making it and got it ready for Izuku to use during the internship program. Izuku got to the support department and went inside and saw Mei packing up her things. Mei got an internship with a big company that makes support gear for heroes. Mei wasn't paying attention and Izuku walked right up to her and said hello. This scared Mei half to death and caused her to scream.

Mei: what the hell is wrong with you?

Izuku: what all I said was hello.

Mei: yes and took years off my life doing it.

Izuku: I'm sorry.

Mei: it's fine. I'm assuming that your hear for your suit?

Izuku: yes and the bike.

Mei: I see, it's right over here.

Mei then brought Izuku over to a case that was sitting on a workbench in the corner of the room. Once over there Izuku opened up the case and looked at the new suit. It was similar to his other suits but there was one thing that was different.

Izuku: Mei?

Mei: yes.

Izuku: why is there a target on the chest of the suit?

Mei: simple, to be a target.

Izuku: what?

Mei: listen, I know that you don't want armor but I saw what happened to you at the usj and the sports festival. So I made this suit special, the chest piece is made to withstand knives, bullet, and powerful accuracy and precision bast quirks. The cowl is the same as the chest piece. The suit is slash resistant but not stab resistant. The cape still turns into a glider and is fire resistant to a certain degree. I also added some new babies to your arsenal.

Just like when Mei showed him the first prototype suit Izuku was blown away.

Izuku: Mei this is incredible.

Mei: I know right, I'm a genius.

Izuku: can't argue with that.

Mei the looked at the clock on her phone.

Mei: I got to get moving or I'll miss the train.

Izuku: I need to leave too, don't want to keep Miruko waiting.

Mei and Izuku then gave each other a quick kiss goodbye. After that Mei grabbed her things and ran to the bus that was taking the support department students to the train station. When Mei was gone Izuku closed up the case and packed it onto the bike. Izuku then opened the garage door and took off to Miruko's agency. Upon arrival at Miruko's hero agency Izuku pulled his bike into the alley next to the building. When Izuku got off the bike and got his stuff he activated a new feature Mei added that covers the bike in a shield so that no one can take it or destroy it. Izuku the made his way to the front door noting that the building was very nice but small.

Izuku mind: Miruko is a top heroine that prefers to work alone. That would explain why her building is small but very nice.

Izuku then makes his why into the building. Once inside he is met by a very fit women with rabbit like features. This was the heroine Miruko. Izuku walks up to Miruko when he sees her and bowed.

Izuku: thank you for giving me this opportunity Miruko.

Miruko: stop with the formalities will you.

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