Ch 7

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The weekend went by fairly quickly. Izuku mostly spent the time improving his skills or learning something useful to crime fighting like he always does. He did spend some of his time getting to know his classmates. But like all things, the weekend most come to an end.
Izuku was currently getting dressed after his morning training routine and shower. After that he went down stairs and started heading to class. Izuku since he was the last student to join for the year, he had to sit in the back of the class. Izuku was ok with that, in fact he preferred it do to him not liking to standout.
Once Aizawa walked into the classroom the school day begun. Surprisingly enough it was a normal school day. The had math,english , science, history, all of the normal school classes. But this wasn't a normal school. Now it was time to start the heroic training classes.

Aizawa: alright now listen up. We have a special hero class today. Because Midoriya wasn't hear for the quirk apprehension test, this will be his test to see his limits and how far he has to go.

Lida: what will his test be sir?

Aizawa then gets a smirk on his face that would scare anyone.

Aizawa: his test will be capture the target. The goal of this test is for the hero to sub do and get away with the target. For this test Midoriya will be up against anyone who wants to participate.

Mina: wait he will be going up against all of us?

Momo: that is quite unfair odds.

Aizawa: I don't expect Midoriya to win, it is just to see what he can do.

Aizawa gets another smirk.

Aizawa: to make sure there is enough people in the test, I am willing to give homework exemptions to who ever is the one to capture him.

Now the class was on board with this test. The thought of no homework lit a fire in a lot of them.
They were going to claim that prize. How ever what Aizawa took notice of, but no one else did was how Izuku did not flinch or panic at any of this news. He kept his stoic expression the hole time.

Aizawa mind: this kid doesn't looked fazed at all. Good, a hero should always remain calm is the worst of situations. It looks like he passed the first part of the test.

Izuku's mind: I knew I was going to have to fight a good amount of the class, but now it looks like its going to pretty much be the whole class. It doesn't matter though, I just need to remain calm. With the right plain I can win.

Aizawa then pressed a button that caused the wall to open and cases that were numbered to come out. These cases contained class 1A's hero costumes.

Aizawa: now get dressed.

Everyone grabbed there cases and left. Izuku was the last one to get up and get his. His case was a little bit bigger then his other classmates cases.

Izuku mind: this test gets me one step closer to my goal.

Aizawa: Midoriya.

Izuku: yes sir.

Aizawa: having second thoughts?

Izuku: no sir.

Aizawa: good because it's to late to turn back. Now go get dressed.

Izuku just nodded his head and ran out of the classroom to the locker room to get changed.

Small time skip

Since everyone has put on there hero suits before, they became a lot faster at putting them on and were done in no time. As they were all waiting outside, Aizawa eventually showed up.

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