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My name is Izuku Midoriya and for as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a hero. The idea of helping people in there time of need was always the coolest concept to me. The ability to save everyone with a smile on my face, just like my hero, my dad. Let me guess, you thought I was talking about All Might. Don't get me wrong All might is a Fantastic hero, but my dad is my favorite.
My dad is Hisashi Midoriya a very well known and well respected doctor. They said that there wasn't a single person my dad could not heal. He even healed my sadness when I was 4 years old and the quirk doctor told me I would never get a power of my own. I thought I could never be a hero because of this fact. When my dad got home that night I asked him, I looked at him with tears in my eyes and asked, Can I become a hero even without a quirk. My father walked over to me, knelt down in front of me and with a stoic expression said to me, you can be anything you want to be in this world, but if you want to be a hero without a power you my son are going to have to work 10 times harder then anyone else. You are my son, there is not a goal you can not reach. Izuku I truly believe that with a good heart, strong body, and even stronger will that you can be an amazing hero.
After that day I took my father's words to heart and started training my mind and body to become a hero. I started to keep a journal on hero's and villains patterns, quirks, and fighting styles. I also started learning how to fight my self. There was a hero named gunhead and he had a martial arts school where he taught a style could gunhead martial arts.
Even though I was getting bullied at school for training to be a hero with out a quirk, mostly from Katsuki Bakugo, it never got me down because I had my father on my side supporting me and my dreams. With all this, after what happened with the doctor and my power I thought the worst was behind me. But I was so wrong because the worst was really just around the corner.
I remember the day so clearly, it was a Saturday and just turned eight that weekend, my mom had to work but my dad was off for the day so he decided to tack me to go see the new All Might movie that just came out. We went and had a good time. When we left I remember how excited I was.

Izuku: that movie was so cool, all might was like ha, and the villain was like whoosh, then All Might went pow, and the villain went aaaaaaaa.

Hisashi: I am going a assume that you enjoyed the movie.

Izuku: IT WAS AMAZING. Thank you for taking me to see it.

Hisashi: haha you're welcome Izuku.

I remember that are conversation continued like that threw the walk home. I had such a good time that I had to ask my dad if we could walk threw the park to get home. The park lead to the street are apartment was on. But we didn't take that route to get home very often because it took longer, but I always loved it.

Izuku: please dad can we go threw the park.

Hisashi: (looks at watch) I don't know Izuku it's already pretty late, and your mom is waiting for us at home.

Izuku: pleeeeaaaasssseeee.

Hisashi: (smiles at Izuku) ok we can go threw the park, but we need to hurry ok.

Izuku: yaaaay.

When I look back at it now I wish I never fought so hard to go threw the park. Hell I wish I never asked to go threw the park at all. Because if I didn't then we never would have been there, if I didn't we never would have meet that man. No man is the wrong word, monster is the right word to describe him. I can still see his smile, I still hear his laughs in my dreams.

Hisashi: just take what you want and leave us alone.

???: what I want. What I want is to see the world laugh, but for now I will settle for this.

Two shoots, two shoots changed my life forever. Two shoots and he took my hero, the man I looked up to most in this world. Two shoots took my father away from my. I sate there on my knees in a puddle of my father's blood and cried as the man ran off laughing like a loonatic. I cried until my father took my hand, and looked at me and said with his final breath.

Hisashi: Izuku don't be scared, everything is going to be ok I promise.

Even when he was dying he was still looking out for, and doing the best he can for me. So at eight years old, on that very day I stopped being a kid. On that day I became someone else, I became something else. On that day I promised that no matter what it takes, I would make sure that what happened to me would never happen to anyone one else ever again.
On that day I became vengeance.

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