Ch 4

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It's been almost a week since eraserhead come to the prison and told me I would be going to ua for my hero training. I pretty much pushed ua off the table of choices for hero schools because of my now existing rap sheet. But here I am currently getting my stuff that the prison confiscated from me, which isn't much just a pair of worn out sneakers, ripped up blue jeans, and green t shirt and green military coat. Now that I'm ready it's time to go to ua.
I step out of the prison gates and walk to the road. I look down the road to my left, then I look down the road to my right. When I did this one thing went through my mind.

Izuku: shit, I don't have a ride, and ua is around a 20 mile walk from here.

While mental cussing his luck Izuku started his long a tiring walk to the famed ua to start his continue his journey to becoming a pro hero. As Izuku was walk down the road he kept catching people staring at him, which is understandable. Izuku is a pretty big guy, plus it doesn't help that he has a short beard and relatively long unkept hair from his time in prison. Add that with him being dressed like a homeless man who likes to pump iron and you are bound to get looked at.

Meanwhile in class 1A

We see Aizawa standing in front of a classroom full of unique and energetic students. Despite all of this they looked like regular students ready to learn what there teacher is going to teach them.

Aizawa: alright class up until now the hero class has been all about physical training and tests.

The class groan in pain, and shutter at the memory.

Aizawa: but starting next week we are going to be starting your hero training experiences.

???: awesome.

???: actual hero stuff

???: I'm so excited

Aizawa: (activates his quirk) quiet.

The whole class immediately shuts up to not make there teacher mad.

Aizawa: now that that's done let's get on with class.

The class started to pull out all the stuff they needed for today's lessons. While they were doing that Aizawa couldn't help but thank that he was forgetting something important.

Aizawa mind: wasn't there something else I was supposed to tell them.

???: Aizawa Sensei are you ok.

???: yea you look like you're spacing out.

Aizawa: I'm fine, now let's stop wasting precious time and get to work.

Aizawa mind: I'm sure it will come to me, I just need to sleep on it.

Time skip a few hours

Nezu called Aizawa to his office to discuss a couple of matters with him. As Aizawa came up to the door with the words principal on it he stopped walking and proceeded to knock on the door. Aizawa heard a come in and so he opened the door and walk in.

Nezu: hello Aizawa, how are you today?

Aizawa: tired.

Nezu: I'm not surprised considering you teach all day and stay up all night fighting crime. With a life style like that you will a villain might use it to his advantage and break you.

Aizawa: maybe but it cannot be helped. Now what is is you wanted to talk with me about.

Nezu: a yes I wanted to talk about Mr.Midoriya and the concern about him missing a month of school.

Aizawa: I already thought of that myself and was planning on giving him extra classes to help with that issue.

Nezu: good, and I'm sure that his classmates will help him out if he needs it as well, although looking at his file I am not to concerned.

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