Ch 29

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The Hosu City park was closed off and blocked by police to keep people from entering what was now a crime scene. Earlier that day three people were attacked with some sort of gas made by the villain now known as the Joker. This gas now referred to as Joker Venom by the hero's and police gives the victims a huge unnatural smile and makes them go into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. The Joker released this gas in the park but then left without a trace before the heroes arrived. His motives for the attack are unknown but the detectives on the scene are hopeful that the forensic team will be able to find something that can be useful.

Detective mind: so this psyco just came, gassed civilians an then left? There has to be a reason for this attack, he had to have had......what is that noise?

The sound of an loud engine could be heard heading there way and in no time at all a motorcycle could be seen pulling up to the crime scene with what appeared to be two pro heroes on it. The detective recognized one of the hero's as the rabbit hero Miruko but he didn't know who the other guy was. The motorcycle was parked and shut off then the heroes got off and made there way over. As they made there way over a two of the officers that were standing watch went to stop the male hero as he was walking up but stopped.

Officer 1: no getting through till we see a license! I said you need to stop.....

As the two got closer the hero gave off an aura that stopped them in their tracks then the glair the two officers received made them immediately step out of the heroes way.

Miruko: I think you need to relax a little Batman, they are on are side.

Batman: no time, the longer we wait the more the Jokers trail runs cold and it will be harder for us to find him.

Miruko: true but it would still probably be best not to scare the officers.

Batman: I'm sure they'll be fine.

The detective that was there watched the hole scene and was confused as to why the hero's were even here to begin with. The villain was gone and all that was left to do was collect evidence stuff that hero's don't do. The detective then began to make his way over to Miruko and Batman as they entered the crime scene.

Detective: what are you two doing here, the villain has already got away so there's no need.......

Batman didn't say anything to the detective or even pay attention to him as he was talking and just walked right by him.

Detective: hay, where are going?

Batman: to investigate the crime scene before your men mess it up.

Detective: mess it up! You little sh......

Miruko: detective! Why don't you tell me what happened here while my partner does his thing.

The detective then looked at Batman then he turned back to Miruko.

Detective: fine.

The detective lit up a cigarette and began to explain what happened to Miruko. The detective talked about how witnesses said that the Joker just showed up out of nowhere and gassed the three victims watched them as the gas took effect. Then how the witness said he let out this big creepy laughing while watching before leaving.

Miruko: weird.

Detective: yeah well this isn't the first time he has done this.

Miruko: it isn't?

Detective: nope, this has happened two other times.

As Batman was looking for anything he could find that would give him a clue on where he could find the Joker he was listening to the detective. He listened as the detective explained what happened here at the park. But what really got his attention was the news that this wasn't the first time the Joker attacked civilians and that it has actually happened two other times.

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