Ch 58

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It was now that Izuku was beginning to get frustrated. No matter what he tried to do Muscular just wouldn't stay down. It was the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. The only problem was that the unstoppable force Izuku seemed to be to a lot of people wasn't as unstoppable as they thought. Izuku has trained nearly his whole life. He gave up so much of his childhood to become the man he is today. But no matter how extraordinary he seemed to be, at the end of the day he was still just a man and just like other men he was beginning to reach his limits.
Muscular charged straight at Izuku forcing the hero to roll out of the way. When Muscular turned to face the direction that Izuku rolled to he was met by a spinning heel kick. The attack managed to connect with the villains chin. Unfortunately it barely fazed the villain who almost immediately brought his fist down at Izuku. Izuku in response side stepped the attack just barley letting it miss him.

Izuku mind: this fights gone on to long and I'm beginning to feel the fatigue beginning to set in. In order to conserve energy I need to use just my basic fighting techniques. Luckily this is exactly what Miruko had me train at the internship.

Muscular continued his onslaught of attacks on Izuku. Izuku in response would just barley dodge the attacks on purpose to conserve energy. He would then immediately follow up with one of his own that would always hit it's mark. This went on for a little bit with Muscular attacking but missing. This sounds like a victory for Izuku but unfortunately his attacks, while landing, weren't hurting Muscular.

Izuku mind: his muscle fibers seem to act like a shield for his body. They also seem to be tougher then normal muscle fibers as well. His vulnerable spots no longer seem to be effected ether. Most likely do to adrenaline and the thrill of the fight.

Izuku then dodged another attack from the villain before immediately counter attacking. Unfortunately getting the same result as before.

Izuku mind: the longer this fight goes on the worst things will get.

Izuku dodges yet another attack by Muscular.

Izuku mind: if I'm going to beat him I'm going to have to change my game.

Izuku seeing that fighting Muscular head on was getting him nowhere decided to fight him a different way. When Muscular sent another attack Izuku's way he managed to dodge it and get behind the villain when he did. Muscular after throwing the attack then turned to face the hero. When he did though Izuku was nowhere to be seen. It was like he just vanished.

Muscular: hiding from me now! I was hopping to get a real fight from you! Of course I should have expected heroes to be cowardly!

It was then that Muscular was struck in the back of the leg just below the hamstring by a rock. This caused the villain to turn and face where it came from. Izuku wasn't there though.

Muscular: is that the best you can do! Hit me with a rock then run away!

Without warning Muscular was struck in the back at the area where the neck and skull meet with a well placed side kick. This attack was done hard enough that the surprised villain was actually stunned. That was when Muscular's noise met Izuku's shin va round kick.
From both the side kick and the round kick from Izuku stunned Muscular. Izuku knew though that he wouldn't stay stunned for long. Acting quickly Izuku got in front of Muscular and began to release a fury of power blows straight to the villains face. Each blow landed with as much force as Izuku could put behind them. That wasn't much though do to fatigue.
With every blow that came from Izuku Muscular got even more furious. Couple that with the fact that he hasn't beaten him yet only made it worse. Now pile on Izuku being quirkless and you got a villain that has gone beyond anger and rage.
Muscular out of nowhere let out a roar filled with so much hatred. When he did Izuku had to jump back not knowing what he was about to do. That's when Muscular charged. He was even faster then before. Izuku managed to dodge the villain again but before he got back to his feet Muscular was already right on top of him. He then grabbed Izuku by the throat and picked him up off the ground. Izuku tried to loosen the villains grip but couldn't. Muscular then brought Izuku closer.

Muscular: I'm going to break you little hero.

And proceeded to try and break Izuku he did. At this point at other parts of the camp most of the villains were being taken care of by the pros. Unfortunately the villains that went after Bakugou had already got the boy and were now trying to make there escape. Some of class 1A was standing in there way.
Thanks to the heroes in training the villains were starting to get overwhelmed. It was frustrating for them to say the least. If it wasn't for Class 1A they would have been gone by now. Now every time they try to leave the get stopped.
It was here that Iida, Shoto, Shoji, Ochako, and Tsu saw there opening. They could stop them here and get there classmate back.

Shoto: get'em!

They all began to move in on the villains. It was at that point though that a tree came flying in out of nowhere. All the students barley had time to stop and move out of the way.

???: I can't believe you guys couldn't handle a bunch of kids.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice. What they saw was a hulking figure walking out of the woods into the small clearing. The figure was also carrying someone over his shoulder.

Compress: hey we had to deal with multiple heroes in training. It looks like you only had to deal with one. So what's your excuse?

Muscular: this kid was tough. Tougher then most pros. He's a fighter that definitely deserves respect. But in the end he still wasn't a match for me.

When Class 1A heard Muscular talk they payed even closer attention to him. That's when they saw that the guy on his shoulder was one of there classmates. The one he had was........

Ochako: Izuku!

Muscular heard the girl when she called out Izuku's name.

Muscular: so that's his name. Izuku. He definitely was a tough bastard.

Iida: let him go now!

Muscular: oh........

Muscular pulled Izuku off his shoulder and held him up by his neck for the students to see.

Muscular: and what if I don't? What will you do?

Dabi: we don't have time for this.

Compress: Dabi's right we have to go.

Muscular: then let's go.

Compress: not with him. We don't need him.

Muscular: and when did you start giving orders.

Dabi: Muscular!

Muscular: fine but we can't have someone like him running around.

Muscular then with both hands began to raise Izuku over his head.

Tsu: what are you doing!

Muscular: just dealing with something before it becomes a problem.

Ochako: STOP!!!

Before they could do anything Muscular brought Izuku down and when he did there was a loud.......


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