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It's been a week since Knuckle Duster had come and gotten Izuku out of the hospital and since Izuku didn't leave a note or anything explaining what happened people jumped to conclusions. Now the media is running with the idea that Izuku, like Mei, was also kidnapped by villains. That couldn't be farther from the truth though. In actuality Izuku was hard at work.
During the entire week that Izuku has been gone he has been shut up inside his newly functioning hide out. A place Izuku had discovered when he visited the grounds of the estate that he had inherited. Izuku has come to call the place The Batcave. Even now he is still there working.
Now just like every other day this week Izuku stuck to the same routine. He wouldn't stray away from it even a bit. For the first few hours of the day Izuku would work on walking again. Then after that he would focus on finding Mei. This was one of the hardest parts of the day as it became clear to Izuku that he was dealing with a pretty smart foe. After that Izuku would finish the day off by working on a new piece of tech. Something Izuku knew he would need since day one of the week.
Today proved different from the other days of the week though. While he still couldn't walk on his own Izuku did mange to find Mei. The villains were smart and had been hiding out in a abandoned building located in the middle of a closed off area of the city. The area was recently attacked by other villains and destroyed so no civilians were around. A smart place to hide from everyone.

Izuku: so that's where you've been.

???: where who's been.

Izuku didn't even turn away from his new Batcomputer as he called it to look at who was talking to him.

Izuku: I've found out where there keeping Mei Iwao.

Ever since Knuckle Duster had entered the Batcave Izuku knew he was there. Something that Knuckle Duster had still not gotten used to. In fact if he was being honest it creeped him out a little bit.

Iwao: how do you do that?

Izuku: now really isn't the time.

Iwao: true. So who took the girl and where are they keeping her?

Izuku: two villains have taken her and I have a good idea as to who they are. As for where they are at it's here.

Izuku point at a red dot that was flash on a map he had pulled up on the Batcomputer. Izuku then began to explain to Knuckle Duster about the place and where it was.

Iwao: so that's where the girls been this whole time.

Izuku: yes, it's a good hiding spot, unfortunately for them it wasn't good enough.

Iwao: how where you able to find them so quickly?

Izuku: I just followed the clues.

Knuckle Duster rolled his eyes at the answer Izuku gave him. Even he knew there was more to it then that. But he also knew that his former student wasn't the type to talk so he just pushed the whole thing aside.

Iwao: alright I'll get some guys I know together and we'll go get the girl.

Izuku: no need.

Iwao: what?

Izuku: I'll go get her.

Iwao didn't know what to say to that. Izuku still couldn't walk without holding on to something. Now he says his going to be the one who goes and gets the girl back.

Iwao: you're crazy! No crazy isn't the right word here! Suicidal is a better word to describe you right now! Do you even hear yourself! You can't even walk properly yet and you want to go out there!

Izuku: calm down.

Iwao: calm down! Calm down! How am I supposed to calm down when my crippled student tells me he wants to go do something stupid! I'm starting to wonder if you really are smart and considering what you just said I'm guessing that you're not!

Izuku: relax, I'm not just going to go in guns blazing. I have thought this out.

Iwao: oh you've thought this out have you! Have you thought of a way to get around you not being able to walk!?! Have you because that's kind of a big issue!

Izuku: yes I have.

Iwao: what?

When Iwao heard Izuku's answer he immediately calmed down. Whatever he was expecting to hear as an answer it currently wasn't that. In fact Iwao really wasn't expecting to get an answer from Izuku at all.

Iwao: what do you mean you have?

Izuku: not only have I figured out a way to walk again but full function normally, maybe even better then before.

Iwao: I'm still confused.

Izuku: I was all but certain that I would find Mei long before I was able to walk again. I also knew that I couldn't just let Mei remain captured after I found her while waiting on me to recover. So while I was recovering and searching for her I was also building something that would help me rescue her.

Iwao: I don't see how another one of your fancy gadgets is going to help.

Izuku: what I built is more then just another gadget for my utility belt.

Iwao: alright if it isn't just another gadget then what is it?

Izuku: a suit.

Iwao: a suit?

Izuku then began to roll his wheelchair away from the batcomputer. He then began to head to a different part of the Batcave. As he did he motioned for Knuckle Duster to follow him. The veteran vigilante did without question. Eventually they reached a room and went in. In the room was all of Izuku's batsuits that he has worn up until this point. Even his newest one. Izuku didn't stop thou and wheeled all the way to the end of the room where a large canister looking cabinet was.

Iwao: this it?

Izuku: yes. Unfortunately it's just a prototype. But it will do for now.

Iwao: you sure it'll work?

Izuku: yes.

Iwao: how do you know?

Izuku: because it has to.

Izuku then opened the container to reveal the newest prototype batsuit to Knuckle Duster.

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