Ch 59

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Izuku mind: what.......what happened?

All around Izuku there was nothing but darkness. It didn't matter which way he looked there was still only darkness. The black void that seemed to swallow everything in its path. All except for Izuku though. Looking at himself Izuku found that even in the darkness he could see himself perfectly clear.

Izuku mind: what's going on?

That's when Izuku heard it. There was a sound in the distance. Izuku couldn't tell what the sound was though, it was to faint. Most likely it was quite aways off. The only reason that he could hear it at all was because the black void he was currently standing in was maddeningly quiet.

Izuku mind: that noise? What is it? Where is it coming from?

Even though the noise was faint it still seemed to echo around him. This made it hard for Izuku to tell where the noise was coming from. As Izuku listened to the noise carefully to try and find out where it was coming from he noticed something. Very slowly the noise began to get louder. This fact was cemented when after a minute Izuku could hear it clearer then before.

Izuku mind: it's getting louder. I can even tell what it is now. But.........

Izuku gained a look of confusion on his face.

Izuku mind: it's just beeping? It's just a continuous beeping noise?

The beeping that Izuku discovered the noise to be only continued to grow louder. While not reaching a deafening pitch it did get loud enough for Izuku to figure out where the noise was coming from. Izuku then turned in its direction.

Izuku mind: there! Thats where it's coming from.

Facing the direction of the noise Izuku slowly took one step. That one step eventually turned into two steps. At a slow pace Izuku was walking towards where he thought the noise was coming from.

Izuku mind: the more I walk the louder the noise should be getting. Is it so far away that I won't get there any time soon?

Izuku continued to walk. He walked for what seemed like forever. He didn't know if that was the case though since he had no way to tell time. Even so he continued to walk. Still the noise never got any louder than what it was now. However as he continued to walk he spotted something up ahead of him in the distance.

Izuku mind: what's that?

What Izuku had spotted looked like a little white dot. In this seemingly infinite sea of darkness that little white dot seemed out of place. Still to Izuku who had seen nothing but black this whole time that dot was a welcoming sight. Plus that dot was in the same direction as the beeping.

Izuku mind: who would've thought that the sea of black wouldn't be the strangest thing here. Where ever here is anyways?

Izuku realizing that he had stopped when he spotted the white dot continued to walk again. As Izuku walked the white dot began to get big. Like the noise though it was a slow process. Still after a while Izuku began to notice something.

Izuku mind: that's not a white dot. Is that little?

It was indeed light that Izuku was seeing. Instead of a white dot it was light that was breaking through the darkness that surrounded him. With this realization Izuku began to move fast towards the light. Believing it to be a way out Izuku slowly began to walk faster. That fast walk then became a jog that eventually turned into a run.

Izuku mind: this could be my way out.

Izuku continued to run. The whole time the light got bigger and bigger as he did. Eventually Izuku had made it to the light and was running through. That's when things started to become clear.
Izuku slowly began to open his eyes. When he did Izuku was met with an all to familiar bright light over his head. When he moved his arm to cover his eyes Izuku noticed the clothing that he had on. Between the light and the clothes Izuku had a pretty good idea where he was.

Izuku: what happened?

Izuku asked himself this as he slowly began to sit up. He wasn't expecting a response but he got one. A hand was gentle placed on his shoulder preventing him from sitting up.

???: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Izuku recognized the voice that spoke to him. Looking over at the person who spoke only fully confirmed it. The one keeping him in bed was his home room teacher Mr.Aizawa.

Izuku: why am I here?

Aizawa: you don't remember?

Izuku: I remember the villains's surprise attack on the camp. I remember fighting one of them. Saving Kota. Other then that the more finer details are fuzzy.

Aizawa: you're correct about all those facts. What you're missing though is the fact that you got hurt.

Izuku: well that explains why I'm in the hospital.

Aizawa: yes.

Izuku could tell that something was wrong by the way Aizawa spoke just then.

Izuku: what is it sir?

Aizawa: it's nothing Midoriya.

Izuku: the way you spoke doesn't sound like nothing. Is it Kota? Is he ok?!

Aizawa: don't worry Kota's fine. Not even a scratch.

Izuku: that's good. But if it's not him then........Bakugou! Did they get Bakugou?!

Aizawa: unfortunately they did.

Izuku: then we need to get him back!

Aizawa: don't worry we will. The best heroes are already working on it.

Izuku: no offense Mr.Aizawa but most heroes these days couldn't find there car keys if they had them in there hands. I need to start tracking the villains before the trail runs cold.

Aizawa then pushes Izuku back down as he tried to get up again.

Aizawa: you're not going anywhere. Not while you're injured.

Izuku then pushed Aizawa's hand away.

Izuku: you can't expect me to just sit here.

Izuku then went to get up again. This time though he noticed something. Something that was seriously wrong.

Izuku: my legs won't move. Why can't I move my legs?

Aizawa: the extent of your injuries left you paralyzed from the waist down.

Izuku: what?

Aizawa: I sorry Midoriya.

Izuku: what about recovery girl?

Aizawa: she believes that she might be able to help you walk again but she's not sure. But even if she can.........

Izuku: walking will be all I am able to do.

Aizawa: yes.

Izuku: so my career as a hero is over before it even began.

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